These guidelines provide some recommendations on items a Regional Office (RO) should consider in evaluating a State's request for delegation. Also listed are a template of a delegation memo for RO use and a guidance document for implementing the radionuclide NESHAPs.
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Good Practices Manual for Delegation of NSPS and NESHAPS (PDF)(19 pp, 921 K)
This manual provides recommendations on the items a Regional Office (RO) should consider in evaluating a State's request for delegation.
Good Practices Manual for Delegation of NSPS and NESHAPS: Appendix A (PDF)(30 pp, 2 MB)
This appendix includes a chart of the New Source Performance Standards.
Template: NESHAPs Delegation Memo (PDF)(8 pp, 34 K)
This document serves as model memo for NESHAPs delegation.
Guidance on Implementing the Radionuclide NESHAPs (PDF)(94 pp, 641 K)
This document summarizes the general NESHAP requirements of 40 CFR 61 Subpart A and the requirements of the radionuclides NESHAPs at 40 CFR 61 Subparts B, H, I, K, Q, R, T, and W.