Potential Nano-Enabled Environmental Applications for Radionuclides
The application of nanotechnology or nano-enabled processes to remediate waste sites has the potential to provide more rapid and cost-effective cleanup than conventional approaches. EPA developed, Potential Nano-Enabled Environmental Applications for Radionuclides to assist decision makers considering the use of nano-enabled technologies for cleaning up environmental contaminants. The document provides information about nanotechnology materials and processes that may be applicable when cleaning up radioactively contaminated sites or materials, and presents a snapshot of lessons learned in nano-science and engineering.
Note: For the purpose of this document, the phrase "nano-enabled technologies and/or processes" refers to the use and incorporation of nanotechnology systems, i.e., tools, materials, functions, scales, etc.
View and download, Potential Nano-Enabled Environmental Applications for Radionuclides (PDF)(152 pp, 4.24 MB, About PDF).