Subpart Q: National Emission Standards for Radon Emissions From Department of Energy Facilities
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Rule Summary
Subpart Q protects the public and the environment from radon-222 air emissionsambient airThe air that surrounds us from Department of Energy (DOE) storage or disposal facilities for specific radium containing materials. Radon-222 is produced as a radioactive decay product
decay productThe atoms formed and the energy and particles emitted as radioactive material decays to reach a stable form. of radium-226.
The radon-222 emission rate from these facilities to the surrounding air must not exceed 20 picocuries (0.74 becquerel) per square meter per second.
The regulation directs compliance with this requirement to be addressed in Federal Facilities Agreements between the EPA and the DOE.
All facilities subject to any National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) must also meet 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart A: General Provisions.