This training module:
- Specifies who may petition EPA to modify or revoke any provision in title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations parts 260 through 265 and 268, and what may be changed through the petition process
- Lists the different components of a petition, and the steps in the petitioning, review, and decision processes
- Specifies the applicability of "equivalent methods" and state the information needed for this type of petition
- Describes the process in petitioning for a new or equivalent method
- Specifies the purpose of delisting, what can be delisted, and the implications of a delisting petition
- Outlines the delisting procedures and provide citations for them
- Cites the Federal Registers that describe the EPA's Composite Model for Landfills (EPACML) which EPA currently uses as a tool in evaluating delisting petitions
- Identifies the types of variances granted
Access other training modules that provide overviews of other specific RCRA regulatory topics here.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Introduction to Petitions, Delistings, and Variances (PDF)(18 pp, 157 K, November 1997, EPA530-R-97-063)