State Authorization Tracking System (StATS)
The State Authorization Tracking System (StATS) is an information management system designed to document the progress of each state and territory in establishing and maintaining Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)-authorized hazardous waste management programs. StATS tracks the status of each state with regard to changes made to the federal hazardous waste regulations. The pages listed below show state authorization and adoption information for RCRA Subtitle C hazardous waste rules. Adoption information is based on data received from EPA regional offices. State authorization and adoption percentages are currently based on the required rules promulgated through RCRA Cluster XXII.
Published federal register notices are the only legal mechanism that EPA grants authorization to the states. If any of the information contained in this database conflicts with information stated in the Federal Register (FR), the FR information will take precedence. We strongly recommend that the regulated community contact their state government office for hazardous waste regulatory information.
StATS Reports as of September 30, 2020:
- State Authorization FR Notices and State (StATS) Reports
- Regional Authorization Comparison
- List of all RCRA/Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA Rules)
- Authorization Status of all RCRA/HSWA Rules
- Percentage of Recent Core Program RCRA Rules Authorized Performance Measure
- Yearly Authorization Activity:
- Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Authorization Activity
- FY 2019 Authorization Activity
- FY 2018 Authorization Activity
- FY 2017 Authorization Activity
- FY 2016 Authorization Activity
- FY 2015 Authorization Activity
- FT 2014 Authorization Activity
- FY 2013 Authorization Activity
- FY 2012 Authorization Activity
- FY 2011 Authorization Activity
- FY 2010 Authorization Activity
- FY 2009 Authorization Activity
- FY 2008 Authorization Activity
- FY 2007 Authorization Activity
- FY 2006 Authorization Activity
- FY 2005 Authorization Activity
- FY 2004 Authorization Activity
- FY 2003 Authorization Activity
- FY 2002 Authorization Activity
- FY 2001 Authorization Activity
- FY 2000 Authorization Activity
- FY 1999 Authorization Activity
- FY 1998 Authorization Activity
Note about rule adopted information - EPA is not required to track or evaluate the adoption of state rules until the state submits an official authorization package. The adoption information contained in this database is provided voluntarily by the states to their EPA regional office and is based on the state government opinion that the adopted state rule is analogous to the federal rule. It is only during the authorization process that EPA makes a determination as to the equivalency of the state analogue and confirms that a state has adopted the federal rule. A recorded entry of "not adopted" indicates that the state may or may not have adopted an analogous state rule, but no notice has been given to EPA.