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Red Hill

About the 2014 Fuel Release at Red Hill

In January 2014, in the course of refilling Tank #5 following its maintenance and repair work, the U.S. Navy identified an estimated fuel release of up to 27,000 gallons of JP-8 jet fuel from the tank and reported the release to the Hawaii Department of Health. The Navy subsequently drained the tank and collected samples from existing monitoring wells. Results taken in and around Tank 5 indicated a spike in levels of hydrocarbons in soil vapor and groundwater. Drinking water monitoring results confirmed compliance with federal and state safety standards for drinking water both before and after the January 2014 release.

Information on past fuel releases can be found in the Red Hill Administrative Record. Exit

What Are the Chemicals of Concern?

The Red Hill Facility currently stores and dispenses three types of petroleum fuel - marine diesel for ships and two types of jet fuel, JP-5 and JP-8. Historically the facility also stored Navy Special Fuel Oil, Navy distillate, motor gasoline and aviation gasoline.

Based on the current fuel stored at the facility, the chemicals of most concern are referred to as middle distillates. Middle distillates include total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, naphthalene, and methylnaphthalenes. More information can be found in Section 9.3 of the Hawaii Department of Health Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Technical Guidance Manual. Exit