Drift Reduction Technology Study Format
Study reports related to wind-tunnel and field studies, submitted in support of the DRT program, should be submitted in one cohesive volume that contains the following elements.
Additional guidance can be found:
- Title Page
- Title of the submitted study
- Title should be self-explanatory with key words
- Author(s) and address of the study report generator
- Name of the performing laboratory
- Report submitter’s affiliation
- Title of the submitted study
- Quality Control Statement and Miscellaneous Requirements
- Signed statement of no data confidentiality claims
- Quality Assurance statement
- Signature page of participants of the study
- Executive Summary/Abstract
- State main objectives and describe methods.
- Summarize the most important results.
- State major conclusions and significance.
- Introduction
- Provide information regarding specific objectives within a larger theoretical framework.
- Methods and Materials
- Provide descriptions of experimental design, the apparatus, methods of gathering data and type of control (e.g., reference nozzle) used.
- Field experiments: provide location, experimental layout, maps, field data and meteorological condition.
- Results and Discussion
- Report must contain summarized data using narrative text and, where appropriate, tables and figures to display summarized data. Interpretation of the data and conclusions about what the data might mean are given in this section.
- Conclusions
- State what the data mean and, as such, how they relate directly back to the objectives stated in the introduction.
- References
- List in alphabetical order by author all published information that was referred to anywhere in the submitted report.
- Appendix
- Provide raw data (e.g., Laser diffractogram with replicated measurements)
- Provide calculations (e.g., spreadsheet, statistics etc.).
- For field experiment:
- Provide analytical report of chemical
- Provide weather data file