Initial Green Roof Research & Design Information
EPA Region 8 Green Roof Research
Quality Assurance Project Plan - Biological Performance Evaluation (PDF-140kB)
Quality Assurance Project Plan - Urban Heat Island (PDF - 24 pp, 307k)
Technical Specifications and Design Documents
Design Guidelines and Maintenance Manual for Green Roofs in the Semi-Arid and Arid West (PDF - 59 pp, 1.86MB)
Introduction to the German FLL-Guideline for the Planning, Execution, and Upkeep of Green-Roof Sites (PDF-105kB)
Design Guidelines for Green Roofs - Steven Peck and Monica Kuhn, B.E.S., B. Arch,O.A.A. (PDF-550kB)
EPA Region 8 green roof fact sheet (PDF-142kB)
GreenGrid Specifications Summary for the EPA Region 8 Green Roof (PDF-1640kB)
EPA Region 8 green roof plant selection (PDF-13kB)