EPA Region 9 Laboratory Standard Operating Procedures
Note: To obtain a copy of a specific standard operating procedure (SOP), please contact Barbara Bates (Bates.Barbara@epa.gov) at (510) 412 - 2325.
Category | SOP# | SOP TITLE |
Administrative/Miscellaneous | 010 | Guidance for use of EPA Purchase Cards |
Administrative/Miscellaneous | 020 | Shipping and Receiving of Coolers, Supplies and Equipment |
Administrative/Miscellaneous | 030 | Sample Coordination by the RSCC |
Administrative/Miscellaneous | 050 | State Drinking Water Laboratory Certification Program Oversight |
Sample Control | 110 | Sample Receiving Procedure and Login |
Sample Control | 112 | Sample Receiving in the Absence of the Sample Custodian |
Sample Control | 115 | Chemical Preservation of Environmental Samples upon Receipt at the Laboratory |
Sample Control | 125 | Sample Disposal |
Sample Control | 130 | Glassware Cleaning Procedures |
Sample Control | 150 | Soil and Sediment Homoginization |
Organic Sample Preparation | 205 | Preparation of Organic-free Blank Water |
Organic Sample Preparation | 239 | Procedure for Recycling Used Methylene Chloride |
Organic Sample Preparation | 261 | Procedures for Clean-up of Organic Extracts |
Organic Sample Preparation | 275 | Extraction of Water Samples by Continuous Liquid-Liquid Extraction (CLLE) |
Organic Sample Preparation | 285 | Soxhlet Extraction of Solid Samples |
Organic Sample Preparation | 290 | Extraction of Soil Samples Using Pressurized Fluid |
Chemistry: Organic Sample Analysis | 305 | Volatile Organics Compundd Analysis in Solids |
Organic Sample Analysis | 307 | VOCs by GCMS following desorption from Radiellp 130 passive diffusive samples |
Organic Sample Analysis | 311 | Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air and Soil Vapor |
Organic Sample Analysis | 312 | Cleaning and Certification of Specially Prepared Cannisters for Air Sampling |
Organic Sample Analysis | 314 | TO15 SIM-Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air |
Organic Sample Analysis | 315 | Semivolatile Organic Compound Analysis |
Organic Sample Analysis | 325 | Determination of Dissolved Gases in Water |
Organic Sample Analysis | 330 | Organicchlorine Pesticide Analysis by Gas Chromatography (GC) |
Organic Sample Analysis | 335 | Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC |
Organic Sample Analysis | 340 | GC/MS-TOF Analysis of UDA of Ultra-Dilute Chemical Warfare Agents (UDA) Standards and Samples |
Organic Sample Analysis | 353 | Low-level Volatiles |
Organic Sample Analysis | 354 | Volatile Organic Compound Analysis in Water |
Organic Sample Analysis | 375 | Low-level Semi-Volatile Organics Analysis |
Organic Sample Analysis | 380 | Purgeable Hydrocarbons by GC PID/FID |
Organic Sample Analysis | 385 | Extractable Petrleum Hydrocarbons by GC/FID |
Organic Sample Preparation | 250 | TCLP Extraction |
Organic Sample Preparation | 252 | California Waste Extraction Test (WET) |
Organic Sample Preparation | 254 | SPLP Extraction |
Organic Sample Preparation | 256 | Bioaccessibility Extraction |
Inorganic Sample Preparation and Solids Analyses | 401 | Nepholometric Turbidity Measurement |
Inorganic Sample Preparation and Solids Analyses | 403 | Aqueous Sample Preparation for ICP-AES and ICP-MS |
Inorganic Sample Preparation and Solids Analyses | 405 | Preparation of Solid Samples for Metals Analysis |
Inorganic Sample Preparation and Solids Analyses | 407 | Preparation of Leachate Procedure Extracts for Metals Analysis |
Inorganic Sample Preparation and Solids Analyses | 409 | Digestion for Lead on Filters |
Inorganic Sample Preparation and Solids Analyses | 430 | Tissue Preparation and Homogenization |
Inorganic Sample Preparation and Solids Analyses | 460 | Percent Solids Determination |
Inorganic Sample Preparation and Solids Analyses | 461 | Analysis of Total Dissolved Solids |
Inorganic Sample Preparation and Solids Analyses | 462 | Analysis of Total Suspended Solids |
Inorganic Sample Preparation and Solids Analyses | 463 | Settleable Solids |
Inorganic Sample Preparation and Solids Analysis | 464 | Suspended Sediment Concentration |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 503 | Determination of Trace Elements in Solids by ICP-AES |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 505 | Determination of Trace Elements in Water by ICP-AES |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 507 | Determination of Trace Elements in Water by ICP-MS |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 509 | Determination of Lead on Filters by ICP/MS |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 515 | Determination of Mercury in Water by CVAA Spectrometry |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 517 | Analysis of Solid Samples for Mercury |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 525 | Analysis of Hexavalent Chromium in Water by Ion Chromatography |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 530 | Analysis of Anions by Ion Chromatography |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 531 | Analysis of Perchlorate by Ion Chromatography |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 532 | Cyanide Analysis |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 535 | Analysis of Mercury in Solids by Thermal Decomposition and AAS |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 537 | Analysis of Perchlorate by LC-MS-MS |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 545 | Determination of Specific Conductance |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 553 | Determination of TOC in Water by EPA Method 415.3 |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 560 | Total Alkalinity by Titrimetric Method |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 565 | Sulfide by Titration |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 570 | Total Hardness, Titrimetric Method |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 576 | Determination of Ferrous Iron in Water Samples by Colorimetric Analysis |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 580 | pH Determination in Aqueous Samples |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 582 | pH in Solid Samples |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 590 | Ammonia Analysis |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 592 | Analysis of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen in Water |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 594 | Analysis of Nitrite and Nitrate in Water |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 596 | Analysis of Total Phosphorus in Water |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 704 | Inspection Procedures for Emergency Eyewash and Shower |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 706 | Laboratory Waste Management |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 712 | Inspection Procedures for the Satellite and 90-Day Hazardous Waste |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 716 | Cleaning and Recycling of Empty Glass Containers |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 730 | Neutralization of Aqueous Wastes |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 747 | Laboratory Chemical Inventory Maintenance |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 748 | Chemical Adoption Program |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 750 | Inspection Procedures for Fire Extinguishers |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 760 | Maintenance and Upkeep of Radioactive Sources |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 770 | Handling Cryogenic Materials |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 775 | Handling and Disposal of Broken Glassware |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 780 | Procedure for Chemical Spill Response and Cleanup |
Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance | 785 | Procedure for Storage, Monitoring, and Handling of Peroxide Forming Chemicals |
Quality Assurance | 805 | Refrigerator and Freezer temperature monitoring |
Quality Assurance | 810 | Internal Audits of Laboratories |
Quality Assurance | 817 | Accuracy Check of Laboratory Thermometers |
Quality Assurance | 820 | Lab Discrepancy and Corrective Action Report Procedure |
Quality Assurance | 825 | Deionized water monitoring |
Quality Assurance | 830 | Notification Procedure for Results Exceeding the Safe Drinking Water Act Limits |
Quality Assurance | 835 | Chromatographic Integration Procedure |
Quality Assurance | 840 | Notebook Documentation and Control |
Quality Assurance | 845 | Internal Data Review & Report Preparation |
Quality Assurance | 850 | Preparation and Usage of Standard Operating Procedures |
Quality Assurance | 880 | Demonstration of Capability |
Quality Assurance | 890 | Calibration & Maintenance of Automatic Pipettes |
Quality Assurance | 892 | Initial Instrument Calibration Guidelines |
Biological Testing | 1001 | Sea Urchin & Sand Dollar Fertilization Toxicity Test |
Biological Testing | 1004 | Red Abalone, Larval Development Toxicity Test |
Biological Testing | 1060 | Calibration and Operation of pH Meters |
Biological Testing | 1061 | Calibration and Operation of Dissolved Oxygen Meters |
Biological Testing | 1063 | Calibration and Operation of Conductivity Meters |
Biological Testing | 1067 | Calibration and Operation of Refractometers |
Biological Testing | 1085 | Glassware and Plasticware Cleaning for Toxicity Tests |
Biological Testing | 1086 | Collection, Preparation,, and Feeding of Kelp for Sea Urchin and Abalone and Tank Cleaning |
Microbiology and Miscellaneous Biology | 1103 | Colilert coliform and E. Coli Water Analysis |
Microbiology and Miscellaneous Biology | 1106 | Volunteer Monitoring of Surface Waters for Bacteria |
Microbiology and Miscellaneous Biology | 1107 | Enterolert Entercocci Water Analysis |
Microbiology and Miscellaneous Biology | 1108 | Heterotrophic Plate Count for Bacteria in Water |
Microbiology and Miscellaneous Biology | 1109 | Microbiology Autoclaves |
Microbiology and Miscellaneous Biology | 1131 | Analysis of Ash Free Dry Mass |
Microbiology and Miscellaneous Biology | 1134 | Chlorophyll-a (Method APHA 10200H) |
Microbiology and Miscellaneous Biology | 1135 | Total & Fee Rsidual Clorine - Hach Dpd |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1201 | General Field Equipment Inventory, Documentation Maintenance, Calibration and Operation |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1202 | Operational Guidelines for Field Activities |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1210 | Calibration and Operation of YS1 6600V2 Sonde |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1211 | Calibration and Operation of YS1 556 Multi-Probes |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1212 | Calibration and Operation of the Manta 2 Sonde |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1213 | Calibration and Operation of YS1 EXO Sonde |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1220 | Groundwater Monitoring Well Sampling |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1221 | Soil Sampling |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1222 | Routine Sampling and Analysis of Drinking water |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1223 | Sediment Sampling |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1224 | Surface Water Sampling |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1225 | Soil Sampling for Volatile Organic Compounds |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1227 | Air Sampling for Volatile Organic Compounds |
Microbiology and Miscellaneous Biology | 1305 | Microcystin by ELISA Analysis |
Administrative/Miscellaneous | 051 | State Drinking Water Laboratory Certification |
Organic Sample Preparation | 230 | Extraction of Ultra-Dilute Chemical Warfare Agents (UDA) from Aqueous Samples |
Organic Sample Preparation | 240 | Exctraction of Ultra-Dilute Chemical Warfare Agents (UDA) from Wipe Samles |
Organic Sample Preparation | 242 | Extraction of Ultra-Dilute Chemical Warfare Agents (UDA) from Soil Samples |
Organic Sample Preparation | 245 | Accountability of Ultra-Dilute Chemical Warfare Agent Reference Solutions |
Organic Sample Preparation | 265 | Extraction of Low-Level Phenols and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Water |
Organic Sample Analysis | 342 | GC/MS Single Qualdruple Analysis of UDA of Ultra-Dilute Chemical Warfare Agents (UDA) Standards and Samples |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 534 | Determination of Low Level Mercury in Water |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 536 | Determination of Methyl Mercury in Water |
Inorganic Sample Analysis | 561 | Acidity |
Quality Assurance | 818 | Accuracy Verification of Weights and Balances |
Quality Assurance | 893 | Recertification of Standards and Reagents |
Field Analytical Services (FASP) | 903 | Field Analytical Support Project (FASP) Mobilization of Field Lab |
Field Analytical Services (FASP) | 910 | Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Air by Field Portable GC/MS |
Field Analytical Services (FASP) | 940 | Volatile Organic Compond Monitoring by ppb RAE Plus Portable Photoionization Detector |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1230 | Sampling Equipment Decontamination |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1251 | Precious Metals Analysis of Catalyst Washcoat using a Niton XL3t FPXRF Analyzer |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1255 | Temperature Calibration Verification for a FLIR GF320 Infrared Camera |
Field Sampling and Analysis | 1320 | Field-Portable X-Ray Florescence (FPXRF) Analyzer |