Federal Fleets using Low-Greenhouse Gas Emitting Vehicles
- Overview
- How do we define a low-GHG emitting vehicle?
- What vehicles are considered low GHG-emitting?
- What are the compliance levels by agency/office?
- Guidance document and other resources
Section 141 of the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) requires federal agencies to acquire low greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting vehicles.
Each model year (MY), EPA evaluates the GHG emissions performance of the light-duty (LD) fleet to determine the maximum allowable GHG emissions level to be designated a low GHG-emitting vehicle.
How do we define a low-GHG emitting vehicle?
EISA 141 compliance levels are based on specific CO2 gram/mile maximum emissions levels. The CO2 emissions level threshold for any given model year is estimated at the levels needed to designate approximately 25% of cars and 25% of LD trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles (MDPVs) as low emitting. EPA will set EISA 141 thresholds at either these levels for cars and trucks/MDPVs, or at the CO2 emissions compliance levels in the current vehicle standards, whichever are lower.
EISA 141 Compliance Thresholds
(maximum grams/mile of CO2 emissions)
Vehicle Type | MY 2019 | MY2020 | MY2021 |
Passenger Cars | 285 | 275 | 265 |
Light-duty Trucks, MDPVs | 370 | 360 | 360 |
As of MY 2016, FFVs must meet the same thresholds as other cars and trucks regardless of the fuel used. For more details, see the Guidance Document in the: Guidance document and other resources section
What vehicles are considered low GHG-emitting?
Find a low GHG-emitting passenger car, truck, or FFV* for
- Model Year 2021 (PDF) (4 pp, 242 K, October 2020, EPA-420-B-20-051) | Excel Version(675 K, October 2020)
- Model Year 2020 (PDF) (9 pp, 430 K, May 2020, EPA-420-B-20-032) | Excel Version(677 K, May 2020)
- Model Year 2019 (PDF) (10 pp, 499 K, May 2019, EPA-420-B-19-027) | Excel Version(660 K, May 2019)
* Some FFVs only qualify when operated with E-85. These vehicles must be operated with E-85 in order to qualify as low GHG-emitting.
What are the compliance levels by agency/office?
This chart displays the EISA 141 compliance levels by federal agency as reported in the Federal Automotive Statistical Tool.**
Agency/Office | Fiscal Year 2018 Compliance |
Fiscal Year 2019 Compliance |
Corps of Engineers, Civil Works | 26% | 14% |
Defense Agencies | 77% | 62% |
Department of Agriculture | 49% | 58% |
Department of Air Force | 9% | 32% |
Department of Army | 46% | 47% |
Department of Commerce | 40% | 89% |
Department of Energy | 45% | 36% |
Department of Health and Human Services | 52% | 52% |
Department of Homeland Security | 93% | 91% |
Department of Housing and Urban Development | 81% | 61% |
Department of Justice | 23% | 31% |
Department of Labor | 95% | 100% |
Department of Navy | 41% | 25% |
Department of State | 15% | 70% |
Department of the Interior | 53% | 26% |
Department of the Treasury | 100% | 99% |
Department of Transportation | 77% | 100% |
Department of Veterans Affairs | 90% | 95% |
Environmental Protection Agency | 100% | 100% |
General Services Administration | 74% | 85% |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | 100% | 98% |
Office of Personnel Management | 98% | 93% |
Social Security Administration | 95% | 96% |
Tennessee Valley Authority | 93% | 100% |
U.S. Postal Service | 100% | 86% |
United States Marine Corps | 94% | 69% |
*Vehicles that use the "functional needs" or "alternative measures" exceptions are considered compliant. For details, see page 8-9 in the guidance document listed in the section below.
**For simplicity, only agencies with 40 or more vehicle acquisitions for the most current fiscal year are displayed. Agencies with fewer acquisitions are still subject to EISA 141.
Guidance document and other resources
Guidance Document
- Guidance for Implementing Section 141 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007: Federal Vehicle Fleets and Low Greenhouse Gas-Emitting Vehicles (PDF) (29 pp, 1.42 MB, EPA-420-B-19-049, September 2019)
- Earlier versions of the guidance document can be found by searching the following database:
Simple Search in NSCEP
GHG Assessment Tool
- June 2020 version: EISA Sect. 141 Vehicle GHG Assessment Tool Final (XLSX)(671 K, June 2020)
- October 2019 version: EISA Sect. 141 Vehicle GHG Assessment Tool Final (XLSX)(664 K, October 2019)
- June 2019 version: EISA Sect. 141 Vehicle GHG Assessment Tool Final (XLSX) (653 K, June 2019)
Please contact us if you need an earlier version of the tool.