Ship and Boat Building Sector (NAICS 3336)
The Ship and Boat Building sector is part of the manufacturing sector (NAICS 31 - 33). It comprises establishments engaged in operating a shipyard. Activities include constructions of ships, their repair, conversion and alteration, the production of prefabricated ship and barge sections, and specialized services, such as ship scaling.
Laws and Regulations
- Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
- National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP): air toxics regulations:
- Auto & Light Duty Truck (surface coating)
- Boat Manufacturing
- Degreasing Organic Cleaners (Halogenated Solvent Cleaners)
- Engine Test Cells/Stands (Combined with Rocket Testing Facilities)
- Friction Products Manufacturing
- Metal Coil (surface coating)
- Plastic Parts (surface coating)
- Reinforced Plastic Composites Production
- Shipbuilding & Ship Repair (surface coating)
- Nonroad Engines, Equipment and Vehicles:
- Combustion Portal: Exit compliance assistance center.
Policy and Guidance
- Polluted Runoff: Marinas and Boating: managing nonpoint source pollution from marinas and recreational boating activities.