Initiatives and Partnerships for Technologies for Cleaning Up Contaminated Sites
This page provides information and contacts for initiatives and partnerships dedicated to developing, supporting, and increasing awareness of innovative hazardous waste characterization, monitoring, and remediation technologies.
The following list represents EPA initiatives dedicated to developing, supporting, and increasing awareness of innovative hazardous waste characterization, monitoring, and remediation technologies.
EcoTools Land Revitalization Assistance
The EcoTools Technical Assistance Service is a resource for superfund sites. Through this service, you can connect with experts in the ecological land reuse field and get answers to related questions in a variety of subjects, including:
- Ecological reuse of contaminated sites
- Soil amendments
- Native plants, invasive species, and re-vegetation
EcoTools Land Revitalization Assistance
EPA Environmental Response Team Center
The Environmental Response Team (ERT) offers an array of products to assist other environmental practitioners both in the field and in the office. They offer immediate download of items such as software packages, guidance related to a wide variety of environmental sampling procedures, analytical and quality assurance standard operating procedures (SOPs), fact sheets, and bulletins. Learn more about ERT software.
For more information, please contact Harry Compton, Environmental Response Team, (732) 321-6743,
EPA Land Research Program
This site provides information on the innovative science solutions being developed by EPA to preserve the nation's land, restore contaminated properties, and protect public health from exposure to environmental contaminants. The site includes a description of the program, fact sheets, science topic experts, links to technical support centers, research publications, research accomplishments, and links to tools, models, and information. Learn more about the land research program.
EPA Technical Support Project (TSP)
Provides technical assistance to regional Remedial Project Managers, Corrective Action Staff, and On-Scene Coordinators. The TSP consists of a network of regional forums and specialized technical support centers located in EPA laboratories, and EPA's Environmental Response Team. Visit the U.S. EPA Technical Support Project web area.
For more information, please contact Cynthia Frickle, Technology Assessment Branch, (703) 603-8763,
Green Remediation
EPA provides information on green remediation - explaining the basic principles and objectives of green remediation, and outlining best practices for reducing the environmental footprint of contaminated site cleanup projects. Over coming months, the site will expand to describe more details on green remediation best practices, and serve as a clearinghouse for technical materials, decision-making tools, site-specific case studies illustrating green remediation implementation efforts, and information on green remediation related events and new information products. Visit the green remediation Web area.
For more information on the green remediation initiative, please contact Carlos Pachon, (703) 603-9904,
Remediation Optimization
Remediation optimization uses defined approaches to improve the effectiveness and efficiency with which an environmental remedy reaches its stated goals. EPA has provided optimization support including third-party site-wide optimization evaluations conducted by expert teams, the use of mathematical tools to determine optimal operating parameters or monitoring networks and the consideration of emerging technologies. View examples of this support, guidance documents, and training.
For more information, please contact Kirby Biggs, Technology Integration and Information Branch, (703) 288-3438,
Superfund Sediment Resource Center
The Superfund Sediment Resource Center (SSRC) is designed to assist EPA staff on technical issues related to the cleanup of contaminated sediment sites. The SSRC focuses on providing timely and helpful input on site-specific issues for topics related to sediment site characterization such as data collection and evaluation; sediment stability; modeling (e.g., hydrodynamic, contaminant fate and transport, and food chain); ecological and human health risks; and the efficacy of remedies such as capping, dredging, monitored natural recovery (MNR), and treatment technologies. For more information, visit the SRRC website.
For more information, please contact Steve Ells, 703-603-8822, or Matt Lambert, 703-603-7174,
The following list represents EPA partnerships dedicated to developing, supporting, and increasing awareness of innovative hazardous waste characterization, monitoring, and remediation technologies.
EPA Brownfields and Land Revitalization Technology Support Center
The Brownfields and Land Revitalization Technology Support Center ensures that brownfields decision makers are aware of the full range of technologies available to make informed or "smart" technology decisions for their sites. The Brownfields Center provides a readily accessible resource for unbiased assessments and supporting information on options relevant to specific sites. The center also provides a technology-oriented review process for investigation and clean-up plans for these sites. The project also provides information about other available support activities, such as those conducted by the Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) program. Direct support is available to EPA regional staff, state staff, and local governments. Visit the Brownfields Technology Support Center.
For more information, please contact Carlos Pachon, Technology Integration and Information Branch, (703) 603-9904,
EPA - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Superfund Partnership: Program, Policy, Guidance, and Activities
The superfund program and EPA's support were instrumental in developing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' environmental remediation expertise and missions. The Corps continues to support the EPA's superfund mission through design, construction, real estate services and technical assistance. Established at the request of the headquarters of both organizations, this joint site is intended for hosting information useful and/or beneficial to both EPA and the Corps superfund project and program managers. Visit the Partnership Site.
Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable
The mission of the roundtable is to exchange information and provide a forum for joint activity regarding the development and demonstration of innovative technologies for hazardous waste site remediation. The exchange synthesizes the technical knowledge that federal agencies have compiled and provides a more comprehensive record of performance and cost. Members include major developers and users of these technologies: Department of Defense: U.S. Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of Energy, Department of the Interior, and EPA. Visit the FRTR Home Page.
Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC)
ITRC is a state-led coalition working together with industry and stakeholders to achieve regulatory acceptance of environmental technologies. ITRC consists of more than 35 states that work to break down barriers and reduce compliance costs, making it easier to use new technologies and helping states maximize resources. ITRC brings together a diverse mix of environmental experts and stakeholders from both the public and private sectors to broaden and deepen technical knowledge and streamline the regulation of new environmental technologies. ITRC accomplishes its mission in two ways: it develops guidance documents and training courses to meet the needs of both regulators and environmental consultants, and it works with state representatives to ensure that ITRC products and services have maximum impact among state environmental agencies and technology users. Visit the ITRC website Exit.
Former Initiatives and Partnerships
A list of former TIFSD Initiatives and Partnerships is also available.