The first operable unit (OU1) of the Commencement Bay/South Tacoma Channel Superfund Site addresses
soil and groundwater contamination associated with the Time Oil property that was first discovered in
public supply Well 12A in 1981. Site contamination primarily consists of chlorinated solvents such as
1,1,2,2, tetrachloroethane (PCA), tetrachloroethylene, and trichloroethylene as well as waste oils and lead.
A number of removal actions have been conducted at the site including excavation of contaminated filter
cake, operation of a vapor extraction system (VES), and operation of a groundwater extraction and
treatment system (GETS).
- Remediation System Evaluation, Comm. Bay/South Tacoma Channel, Well 12A Superfund Site (PDF)(38 pp, 783 K, 2002, 542-R-02-008q)