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Remediation System Evaluation, Oconomowoc Electroplating Superfund Site

The 10.5 acre Oconomowoc Electroplating Company, Inc. located in Ashippun, Wisconsin, encompasses a four-acre electroplating site adjacent to a six and one half-acre wetland. The electroplating facility included a main process building, a wastewater treatment building, wastewater treatment lagoons, and other miscellaneous storage areas. Drinking water wells are in the vicinity of the facility in addition to the wetland area. Davy Creek, a small warm water sport fishery, flows through the wetland area approximately 500 feet south of the site. Untreated wastes containing volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals from degreasing, plating and finishing operations were discharged directly to the Davy Creek Wetlands from 1957 to 1972. From 1972 until the site ceased operations in the1980’s waste was discharged to two waste lagoons. Metals contaminated hazardous wastes and VOC’s were found at numerous site locations including the lagoons, storage areas, in and beneath the plating and water treatment buildings.

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