The Selma Pressure Treating site is located 15 miles south of Fresno, adjacent to the city limits of Selma,
California and has subsurface contamination from a former wood treating facility. The site occupies
approximately 40 acres, including the 14-acre former wood treating and storage facility and a 26-acre
neighboring vineyard. Zoned for heavy use, the site is located in a transition zone between agricultural,
residential, and industrial areas. Drippings from the former wood treating processes have led to both soil
and groundwater contamination beneath the former facilities. The primary contaminant of concern is
chromium, predominantly found as hexavalent chromium, its more mobile state. Remedial investigations of
the contamination began in 1984, and by 1991 soil cleanup activities had started.
- Remediation System Evaluation, Selma Pressure Treating Superfund Site (PDF)(35 pp, 1 MB, 2002, 542-R-02-008u)