The Shorco South site is located on the southbound side of Route 17 in the Township of Mahwah, New Jersey. The Shorco South site is downgradient of the Shorco North site, which also has ground water impacted with petroleum constituents. This RSE focuses on the Shorco South site, and the Shorco North site is discussed only in relation to its impact on Shorco South. The Shorco South site remediation is currently being run by NJDEP under the publicly funded cleanup program, while the Shorco North remediation is still being operated by the responsible party. Ground water flows in a south to southwest direction across the Shorco South site, towards the Ramapo River.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Remediation System Evaluation, Shorco South, Mahwah, New Jersey (PDF) (1697K, 32 pp, (PDF)(32 pp, 2 MB, 2004, 542-F-04-030)