Notice of Cellulosic Waiver Credit Price Calculation for 2017
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Rule Summary
For any year that the projected volume of cellulosic biofuel production is less than the applicable volume of cellulosic biofuel set forth in the Clean Air Act, EPA must:
- Reduce the required volume of cellulosic biofuel for that year to the projected volume; and
- Provide obligated parties the opportunity to purchase cellulosic waiver credits (CWC).
The price of these credits is determined using a formula specified in the Clean Air Act. EPA published a rulemaking in April 2015, stating our intention to establish future CWC prices by posting a notice on the EPA website. This notification is being provided here, and sets the CWC price for 2017 at $2.00.
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the Cellulosic Waiver Credit Price Calculation for 2018
- Cellulosic Waiver Credit Price and Minor Amendments: April 2015 Direct Final Rule
- Notice of Cellulosic Waiver Credit Price Calculation for 2017 (PDF)(4 pp, 90 K, EPA-420-B-16-087, November 2016)
- Notice of Cellulosic Waiver Credit Price Calculation for 2016 (PDF) (2 pp, 78 K, EPA-420-B-15-092, November 2015)