Renewable Fuel Standard Compliance Deadline Extension
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Rule Summary
EPA is proposing two actions to adjust the renewable fuel standard compliance dates.
First, EPA proposes to extend the compliance deadline for the 2019 renewable fuel standards and the associated deadline for submission of attest engagement reports for the 2019 renewable fuel standards for small refineries. The new deadlines would be November 30, 2021 and June 1, 2022, respectively.
Second, EPA proposes to extend the compliance deadline for the 2020 renewable fuel standards for all obligated parties and the associated deadline for submission of attest engagement reports for the 2020 renewable fuel standards for obligated parties and RIN-generating renewable fuel producers and importers, and other parties owning RINs. The new deadlines would be January 31, 2022 and June 1, 2022, respectively. This proposed action intends to extend these deadlines ahead of the March 31, 2021 compliance deadline for the 2020 renewable fuel standards in our existing regulations.
Additional Resources
- Proposed rule (PDF) (5 pp, 263 K, published January 15, 2021, About PDF)