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Research Grants

Informational Webinar Contaminated Sites, Natural Disasters, Changing Environmental Conditions, and Vulnerable Communities: Research to Build Resilience Request for Applications (RFA)

Date and Time

Thursday 08/08/2019 3:00PM to 4:30PM EDT
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Registration Deadline

Thursday 08/08/2019 3:00PM EDT


Vulnerable Communities Webinar BannerInformational Webinar
Contaminated Sites, Natural Disasters, Changing Environmental Conditions, and Vulnerable Communities: Research to Build Resilience
Request for Applications (RFA)

Date: Thursday, Aug. 8, 2019
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Join us for this informational webinar discussing the application process and required elements for the Contaminated Sites, Natural Disasters, Changing Environmental Conditions, and Vulnerable Communities: Research to Build Resilience

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking research needed to identify and assess the impacts of contaminants in conjunction with environmental and other non-chemical stressors (e.g., extreme events, geological, regional, seasonal, socioeconomic, cultural, behavioral) that may govern the particular vulnerabilities in children and elderly, so communities can be equipped with science-based solutions for reducing the vulnerabilities and building community-level resilience. The scientific community should propose transdisciplinary research with an approach that (1) determines how may certain natural disasters or changing environmental conditions cause specific chemical contaminants to migrate from certain contaminated or containment sites to nearby communities and pose elevated exposure risks to vulnerable groups, especially the elderly and/or children under the age of five years? (2) What are the major contributing factors or effect modifiers, in addition to the contaminants, and natural disasters or changing environmental conditions, that may exacerbate the impacts to these vulnerable groups in impacted communities? and (3) How can scientific research results specifically help communities build better resilience against the problems and issues identified above?

This informational webinar will review the RFA’s research interest and application and review process. Attendees will have opportunity to ask questions from EPA experts.

Webinar Objectives

  • Share General Information about the EPA STAR RFA, “Contaminated Sites, Natural Disasters, Changing Environmental Conditions, and Vulnerable Communities: Research to Build Resilience” (Project Officer)
  • Introduce Research Questions (Project Officer, EPA Technical Experts)
  • Learn about the administrative, submission, eligibility and peer review processes (EPA Eligibility, Submission, and Peer Review Officers)
  • Questions & Answer Session

The research activities for funding under this announcement are intended is to promote and build healthy and resilient communities to protect vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly, from the impacts of natural disasters or changing environmental conditions.

This RFA is supported by EPA’s Sustainable and Healthy Communities (SHC) Program, which promotes and builds healthy and resilient communities.

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