STAR Tribal Grantee Progress Review Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday 09/20/2016 1:00PM EDT to Wednesday 09/21/2016 9:00PM EDTLocation
Join us for the EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Tribal Grantee Progress Review Meeting where we will receive research progress updates from the grantees awarded under the 2013 Request for Applications (RFA) Science for Sustainable and Healthy Tribes. EPA researchers will also share their work and present dynamic tools that can be applied to improve tribal health and well-being. Grantees, EPA and other partners will discuss opportunities for future solicitations, collaboration and cross-linkages in efforts to improve tribal health and well-being research.
STAR Tribal Environmental Health Research Program
STAR Tribal Environmental Health Research supports research to better understand the health effects of environmental contaminants on tribal populations. This research is supported by EPA’s Sustainable and Healthy Communities (SHC) Research Program, which provides useful science and tools for decision makers at all levels to help communities advance sustainability as well as achieve regulatory compliance.
Learn more about Tribal Environmental Health Research.
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You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.
Meeting Presentation: U.S. EPA/STAR Tribal Progress Review (PDF) (8 pp, 314 KB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Actionable Research for Tribal Communities (PDF) (13 pp, 478 KB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: Meta-analyses on Fish consumption for US general and American Indian populations (PDF) (17 pp, 468 KB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: Environmental Health Assessment of Tribal Child Care Centers in the Pacific Northwest (PDF) (7 pp, 261 KB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: SHC Project 2.63: Assessing Environmental Health Disparities in Vulnerable Groups (Tribal Focus) (PDF) (26 pp, 1.1 MB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: Proper function and conditioning (PFC) and Traditional Knowledge -Working Together for Tribal Sustainability (PDF) (15 pp, 3.6 MB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: Water, Our Voice to the Future: Climate change adaptation and waterborne disease prevention on the Crow Reservation (PDF) (43 pp, 5.3 MB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: Climate change impacts to First Foods and Swinomish Community Health (PDF) (21 pp, 4 MB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: ANTHC Rural Alaska Monitoring Program (RAMP): Assessing, Monitoring, and Adapting to Emerging Environmental Human and Wildlife Health Threats (PDF) (23 pp, 2.1 MB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: Investigating Indoor Air Exposures from Seasonal Hunting Activities (PDF) (26 pp, 1 MB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation:From Home to School: Tribal Indoor Air Quality Study Preliminary Results (PDF) (40 pp, 3.2 MB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Tribal Environmental Health Research and Accomplishments (PDF) (12 pp, 529 KB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: Science to Achieve Results Program: Supporting High-Quality Research (PDF) (20 pp, 2.1 MB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: Overview of EPA Region 4 Tribal Programs & Activities (PDF) (8 pp, 1.7 MB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: EnviroAtlas and the Eco-Health Relationship Browser (PDF) (20 pp, 6 MB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: Tribal-FERST (PDF) (19 pp, 866 KB, 10/5/2016)
Meeting Presentation: Assessing Ecosystem Value: Restoration Scenarios on Tribal Lands using the EPA H2O Tool(PDF) (13 pp, 2.2 MB, 10/17/2016)
A Classification System for Final Ecosystem Goods and Services (PDF) (14 pp, 2.2 MB, 10/17/2016)