These are slides from an informational webinar that discussed the application process and required elements for the Integrating Human Health and Well-Being with Ecosystems Services Request for Applications (RFA).
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sought applications for collaborative, community-based research that will foster better understanding of how ecosystems support human health and well-being. Specifically, this research examines what limits communities’ ability to integrate human health and well-being with ecosystem services, while recognizing the need to advance the science behind evaluating, quantifying and incorporating cumulative impacts into decision making. The RFA aims to foster a more holistic approach to both assessing risk and cumulative impacts, and also toward climate change adaptation and disaster resilience.
This informational webinar reviewed the RFA’s major research elements and review criteria. Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions to find out in greater detail how to apply for this funding opportunity.
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Integrating Human Health & Well-Being with Ecosystem Services RFA Presentation (PDF)(15 pp, 3 MB,
Meeting Presentation
Integrating Human Health and Well-Being with Ecosystems Services Transcript Part 1 (PDF)(28 pp, 249 K,
Webinar Transcript (Part 1)
Integrating Human Health and Well-Being with Ecosystems Services Transcript Part 2 (PDF)(32 pp, 205 K,
Webinar Transcript (Part 2)