State Environmental Agencies' Research Needs
How are state environmental agencies' research needs incorporated into EPA's research planning?
EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) partners with the Environmental Research Institute of the States (ERIS) to ensure our research meets state environmental needs. To better align EPA research with science priorities of states, ORD uses the results of biennial surveys of state environmental research needs conducted by ERIS. The ERIS surveys informed the development of ORD’s Strategic Research Action Plans 2019-2022, which outline ORD’s longer-term research programs and shorter-term technical support efforts.
ORD directly engaged states in the FY2019-2022 strategic research planning and implementation process. State environmental and health agency members participated on EPA teams to refine ORD research outputs and identify specific products geared towards states’ science priorities. ORD will continue to engage with these participants through the implementation and translation of the research products.
Below are links to the results of the two previous ERIS State Environmental Research Needs Surveys. ERIS is currently developing the 2020 State Environmental Research Needs Survey and is expected to be conducted in summer 2020.