David Dunlap
David Dunlap is the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science Policy in EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD). As Deputy Assistant Administrator David guides ORD senior leadership in the development of high quality and objective science in the pursuit of overall EPA program goals, objectives, and policies and in fulfillment of the statutes and regulations for which each is responsible. He also represents the Administrator and Deputy Administrator at various task force, panel, and committees on science and operational program activities related to the development of Agency science policies and regulations.
David received his B.S. in chemical engineering from Virginia Tech and has more than 30 years of both field-based environmental engineering and regulatory policy experience. Prior to joining EPA, he worked for private industry, trade associations and as an environmental consultant. His background includes work in the areas of chemical risk assessment; safety and security; water quality; municipal and industrial wastewater; and hazardous waste characterization and site cleanup.