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Reviewing New Chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)

Premanufacture Notices (PMNs) and Significant New Use Notices (SNUNs) Table

  • These search results display the interim status and final determinations for TSCA section 5 PMN and SNUN submissions. The interim status reflects staff-level recommendations made after EPA’s initial risk assessment during the Focus meeting. Following the Focus meeting, EPA advises the submitter of the case interim status and any risk concerns. EPA often engages in a dialogue with the submitter about the scientific basis for the recommendation. Submitters often choose to provide subsequent information about the chemical substance, offer to conduct testing, or amend their notice to address EPA concerns. As a result of this EPA-submitter dialogue and submitter actions to address identified risks or provide information that leads EPA to revise its initial risk determination, final risk determinations can differ from the interim recommendation.

Please note:  Access to documents relating to TSCA Section 5 Actions is available at

View the chemicals determined not likely to present an unreasonable risk following pre-manufacture notification review.

Download the Table in PDF format. Updated: 01/14/2021