RHC Webinars
Previous Presentations
EPA hosts a Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC) webinar series that highlights various sector-specific opportunities for deployment of renewable thermal energy technologies that serve water heating, space heating and cooling, or process heat applications.
Topic | Date | Summary |
Introduction to Third-Party Financing for Large Solar Thermal Systems: An Overview for All End-Users
November 27, 2012 | Learn about three different third-party financing structures used in the market to deploy solar water heating systems. Speakers explore the benefits and challenges of energy purchase agreements, energy performance contracts, and shared savings models. Speakers include Jill Cliburn (Cliburn and Associates, LLC), Zach Axelrod (Skyline Innovations), Bill Guiney (Johnson Controls), and Dale Freudenberger (FLS Energy, Inc.). |
Solar Water Heating in Multi-Family and Affordable Housing Buildings: Lessons from the Field
November 13, 2012 | Hear about lessons learned in developing solar water heating projects in multi-family and affordable housing units. These buildings can reap both energy and financial benefits from solar water heating technologies while also delivering a smaller environmental footprint. Speakers include Ben Gravely (Holocene Technologies), Harry Richter (High Rise Consulting, LLC), and Nina Janopaul (Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing). |
Solar Hot Water Technologies for Higher Education Buildings
October 25, 2012 | Explore cases where solar water heating technologies helped two institutions of higher learning meet their onsite water heating needs. Speakers explore the development, financing, and environmental aspects of their respective projects. Speakers include Chris Beebe (BEAM Engineering), Doug Spengel (George Washington University), Mark Ellis (George Washington University), and Chris O’Brien (American University). |