The Risk Management Program emergency response coordination activities require the owner and operator of a stationary source to provide to the local emergency planning and response organizations: the stationary source’s emergency response plan if one exists; emergency action plan; updated emergency contact information; and any other information that local emergency planning and response organizations identify as relevant to local emergency response planning (40 CFR §68.93(b)). What other types of information might the local authorities identify as relevant to response planning?
The RMP Reconsideration Final Rule modifies the local emergency response coordination amendments by replacing the requirement in § 68.93(b) for the owner or operator to provide any other information that local response organizations identify as relevant to local emergency response planning with the requirement to provide ‘‘other information necessary for developing and implementing the local emergency response plan.’’ EPA encourages local emergency officials to request any facility information that is necessary in preparing for emergencies at the source beyond those specific elements identified in 40 CFR §68.93. Such information could include accident histories, portions of incident investigation reports relevant to emergency response, incident after action reports, records of notification exercises, field and tabletop exercise evaluation reports, etc. The owner or operator is required to provide any information requested by local emergency planning and response organizations, to the extent the information is necessary for local emergency planning (82 FR 4594, 4655; January 13, 2017 and 84 FR 244, 69894; Thursday, December 19, 2019).