Topic: Evaluation of a Proposed Approach to Refine the Inhalation Risk Assessment for Point of Contact Toxicity: A Case Study Using a New Approach Methodology (NAM)
Available meeting materials are listed below. Visit docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0517 for additional background materials.
- Meeting Minutes/Final Report
- Transmittal Memo
- Issue Paper - Evaluation of a Proposed Approach to Refine Inhalation Risk Assessment for Point of Contact Toxicity: A Case Study Using a New Approach Methodology (NAM)
- Charge to the FIFRA SAP - Evaluation of a Proposed Approach to Refine Inhalation Risk Assessment for Point of Contact Toxicity: A Case Study Using a New Approach Methodology (NAM)
- Chlorothalonil - In Vitro Measurement of the Airway Irritation Potential of Bravo 720 SC Formulation Using MucilAirTM Tissues from Five Different Donors
- Chlorothalonil - Benchmark Dose (BMD) Analysis of MucilAir Data to Establish a Toxicological Point of Departure (POD) for Use in Human Risk Assessment
- Chlorothalonil - A Source to Outcome Approach for Inhalation Risk Assessment
- Chlorothalonil - Computational Modeling of Aerosol Dosimetry in the Respiratory Tracts of the Rat and Human
- Chlorothalonil - Particle Size Characterization of Agricultural Sprays Collected on Personal Air Monitoring Devices
- Publication of Chlorothalonil Source to Outcome Science Chapters to EPA SAP Docket - FIFRA Section 10(g) Waiver
- Benchmark Dose Analysis of Chlorothalonil MucilAir Data
- Chlorothalonil: Review and Generation of Data Evaluation Record
- Chlorothalonil: Registration Request for Use on Low-Growing Berry Subgroup 13-07G; Bushberry Subgroup 13-07B; Onion, Bulb Subgroup 3-07A; and Onion Green Subgroup 3-07B. Human Health Risk Assessment
- Chlorothalonil: Human-Health Assessment Scoping Document in Support of Registration Review
- Agenda (December 4, 6, and 7, 2018) (PDF)(5 pp, 199 K)
- Panel Members (December 4, 6, and 7, 2018 (PDF)(4 pp, 138 K)
- Transcript (December 4, 6, and 7, 2018 (PDF)(625 pp, 2 MB)