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Healthy School Environments

Endnotes for the State School Environmental Health Guidelines

You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.1. Buchanan, B. (2007). Sick buildings, sick students: Poor air quality and other environmental irritants can lead to health concerns for your students and staff. American School Board Journal, June, 48–50.
2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2010). EPA strategic plan. Retrieved 2012, from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Environmental Protection Agency.
3. American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Environmental Health. (2003). Developmental toxicity: Special considerations based on age and developmental state. In Etzel, R., & S. Balk (Eds.), Pediatric Environmental Health(Second ed., pp. 9–36). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Environmental Health.
4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2003). America's Children and the Environment: Measures of Contaminants, Body Burdens, and Illnesses  (176pp, 1.1M). Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA/240/R-03/001.
5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2012). Indoor Air Quality Tools for High Performance Schools. April 5. Retrieved 2012, from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Creating Healthy Indoor Air Quality in Schools.
6. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2010). Fast facts. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from National Center for Education Statistics:  National Center for Education Statistics.
7. National Research Council. (2006). Green schools: Attributes for health and learning. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 192 pages.
8. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2007). Public school principals report on their school facilities: Fall 2005. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. NCES 2007-007. January. Public School Principals Report on Their School Facilities: Fall 2005 (93pp, 674K).
9. National Research Council. (2011). Climate change, the indoor environment, and health. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 286 pages.
10. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2007). A Decade of Children's Environmental Health Research: Highlights from EPA's Science to Achieve Results Program. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA/600/S-07/038. December. 
11. Akinbami, L., Moorman, J., & Liu, X. (2011). Asthma Prevalence, Health Care Use, and Mortality: United States, 2005–2009. National Health Statistic Reports, 32, 1–14.
12. Evans, G., & Kantrowitz, E. (2002). Socioeconomic Status and Health: The Potential Role of Environmental Risk Exposure. Annual Review of Public Health, 23, 303–331.
13. U.S. Department of Education. National Center for Education Statistics. (2000). Condition of America's Public School Facilities: 1999. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
14. Akinbami, L.J. (2006). The State of Childhood Asthma, United States, 1980–2005. Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics 381, 1–24.
15. Stores, G., Ellis, A.J., Wiggs, L., Crawford, C., & Thomson, A. (1998). Sleep and PsychologicalDdisturbance in Nocturnal Asthma. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 78 (5): 413–419.
16. Chugh, I.M.,Khanna, P., & Shah, A. (2006). Nocturnal Symptoms and Sleep Disturbances in Clinically Stable Asthmatic Children. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology, 24 (2–3): 135–42.
17. Schneider, M. (2002). Public School Facilities and Teaching: Washington, DC and Chicago. Washington, DC: 21st Century School Fund. 21st Century School Fund.(39pp, 677K)Exit.
18. Earthman, G., Cash, C., & Van Berkum, D. (1995). Student achievement and behavior and school building condition.Journal of School Business Management, 8 (3): 26–37.
19. Branham, D. (2004). The wise man builds his house upon the rock: The effects of inadequate school building infrastructure on student attendance. Social Science Quarterly, 85 (5), 1112–1128.
20. Myhryold, A., Olsen, E., & Lauridsen, O. (1996). Indoor environment in schools – Pupils health and performance in regard to CO2 concentrations. Presentation at the 7th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Nagoya, Japan.
21. Mendell, M. (1993). Non-specific symptoms in office workers: A review and summary of the epidemiologic literature.Indoor Air, 3 (4), 227–236.
22. Seppänen, O., Fisk, W.J., & Mendell, M.J.. (1999). Association of ventilation rates and CO2 concentrations with health and other responses in commercial and institutional buildings. Indoor Air, 9 (4), 226–252.
23. Apte, M., Fisk, W., & Daisey, J. (2000). Associations between indoor CO2 concentrations and sick building syndrome symptoms in U.S. office buildings: An analysis of the 1994–1996 BASE study data. Indoor Air, 10 (4), 246–257.
24. Shendell, D., Prill, R., Fisk, W., Apte, M., Blake, D., & Faulkner, D. (2004). Associations between classroom CO2concentrations and student attendance in Washington and Idaho. Indoor Air, 14 (5), 331–341.
25. Shaughnessy, R., Haverinen-Shaughnessy, U., Nevalainen, A., & Moschandreas, D. (2006). A preliminary study on the association between ventilation rates in classrooms and student performance. Indoor Air, 16 (6), 465–468.
26. Durán-Narucki, V. (2008). School building condition, school attendance, and academic achievement in New York City public schools: A mediation model. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 28, 278–286.
27. Öhlund, L., & Ericsson, K. (1994). Elementary school achievement and absence due to illness. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 155 (4), 409–421.
28. Stolz, A., Knickelbein, A., & Coburn, S. (2008). Linking coordinated school health to student success. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the National Association of School Nurses, Albuquerque, NM.
29. Vinciullo, F. (2008). The relationship between multi-component school health programs and school achievement. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the National Association of School Nurses, Albuquerque, NM.
30. National Clearinghouse for Education Facilities. (2010). Green schools as high performance learning facilities. Washington, DC: National Institute of Building Sciences. September. Green Schools as High Performance Learning Facilities (16pp, 503K) Exit.
31. Landrigan, P., Schechter, C., Lipton, J., Fahs, M., & Schwartz, J. (2002). Environmental pollutants and disease in American children: Estimates of morbidity, mortality, and costs for lead poisoning, asthma, cancer, and developmental disabilities. Environmental Health Perspectives, 110 (7), 721–728.
32. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Asthma in the U.S. May. Retrieved February 13, 2012, from Vital Signs: Asthma in the U.S..
33. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2011). IHS Fact Sheets. January. Retrieved 2012, from Indian Health Services: Fact Sheets from Indian Health Services.
34. Regents Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality in Schools. (1995). Guiding Principles for Improving the Environmental Quality of Schools. Retrieved 2012, from New York State Board of Regents: Environmental Quality of Schools - Guiding PrinciplesExit.
35. Neal, D.E. (2008). Healthy schools: A major front in the fight for environmental justice. Environmental Law, 38 (2), 473–494.
36. Everett Jones, S., Axelrad, R., & Wattigney, W.A. (2007). Healthy and safe school environment, part II, physical school environment: Results from the school health policies and programs study 2006. Journal of School Health, 77 (8), 544–556.
37. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). School health programs: Improving the health of our nation's youth—At a glance 2011. March 21. Retrieved 2012, from Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.