10th Conference on Air Quality Modeling
On January 31, 2012, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Tenth Conference on Air Quality Modeling. The modeling conference, mandated by Section 320 of the Clean Air Act, was held on the EPA RTP, NC Campus from March 13th through 15th, 2012. The purpose of the conference was to provide an overview of the latest features of the agency’s preferred air quality models and to provide a forum for public review and comment on how the agency determines and applies air quality models in the future. Approximately 250 to 300 people attended each of the three days of the Modeling Conference.
Disclaimer: The material provided below were presented during the proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Air Quality Modeling. The information contained in some of these presentations may not reflect U.S. EPA policy and should not be considered as an official endorsement of the Agency. The presentations given on Thursday, March 15, 2012 during the Public Presentation Session were public comments being presented to the Agency for consideration.
Conference Information:
- Federal Register Notice for the Tenth Conference on Air Quality Modeling ( 3pp, 168 K, 01-31-2012)
- Tenth Modeling Conference Docket (ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2012-0056)
- Final Agenda and Presentations (PDF)(2 pp, 236 K, 03-13-2012)
- Tenth Modeling Conference - Summary of Comments (106 pp, 552 K, 10-1-2012)
Transcripts and Audio Recordings:
- Tenth Modeling Conference - Day 1 Transcripts (PDF) (455 pp, 2 MB, 03-13-2012)
- Tenth Modeling Conference - Day 1 Audio Recording - Part 1 (WMA) (126 MB, 03-13-2012)
- Tenth Modeling Conference - Day 1 Audio Recording - Part 2 (WMA) (155 MB, 03-13-2012)
- Tenth Modeling Conference - Day 2 Transcripts (PDF) (447 pp, 2 MB, 03-14-2012)
- Tenth Modeling Conference - Day 2 Audio Recording - Part 1 (WMA) (114 MB, 03-14-2012)
- Tenth Modeling Conference - Day 2 Audio Recording - Part 2 (WMA) (175 MB, 03-14-2012)
- Tenth Modeling Conference - Day 3 Transcripts (PDF) (343 pp, 2 MB, 03-15-2012)
- Tenth Modeling Conference - Day 3 Audio Recording - Part 1 (WMA) (125 MB, 03-15-2012)
- Tenth Modeling Conference - Day 3 Audio Recording - Part 2 (WMA) (111 MB, 03-15-2012)
Conference Review Material:
- A full archive of review materials for the Tenth Conference on Air Quality Modeling can be found at:
Please direct any additional questions concerning the Tenth Conference on Air Quality Modeling to Mr. George Bridgers, email: Bridgers.George@epa.gov.