SepticSmart Homeowners
One in five U.S. homes have septic systems. Yours may be one of them. If your septic system is not properly maintained you may be risking your family’s health, hurting the environment, and flushing thousands of dollars down the drain.
EPA’s SepticSmart initiative is a nation-wide public education effort with resources for homeowners, local organizations, and government leaders. Learn how septic systems work and get simple, everyday tips on how to properly maintain them:
- Types of septic systems - View and download diagrams to learn about common septic system types and major components.
- How your septic system works – Do you have questions about how septic systems work? Do you know if your property is serviced by a septic system?
- Why maintain your septic system – Learn the benefits to keeping a properly maintained septic system.
- How to care for your septic system – Septic system maintenance is not complicated, and it does not need to be expensive. Follow these maintenance tips to keep your system operating reliably.
- What to do if your septic system fails – Learn why septic systems fail and whom to contact if it happens to you.
- Outreach Toolkit - Find materials targeted to homeowners that can be downloaded and printed. These materials show how many organizations have launched successful homeowner education programs.
- More resources for homeowners with septic systems – Find brochures, fact sheets, tools, and other related information to help you maintain a properly functioning septic system.