Summary of Eagle River Particulate Matter (PM-10) Attainment Plan
The Eagle River, Alaska, area was designated nonattainment for PM10 and classified as moderate upon enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
Alaska submitted a PM10 attainment plan on October 15, 1991 and EPA proposed approval of the plan on March 12, 1993 (58 FR 13572 (PDF)(4 pp, 571 K, About PDF)).
On August 13, 1993, EPA approved the Eagle River PM10 attainment plan (58 FR 43084 (PDF)(2 pp, 211 K)).
On June 22, 1993, Alaska submitted contingency measures designed to be triggered upon failure of the Eagle River area to attain by December 31, 1994.
EPA proposed approval of the contingency measures on December 22, 1993 (58 FR 67754 (PDF) (6 pp, 826 K)) and finalized the approval on March 24, 1994 (59 FR 13884 (PDF) (3 pp, 410 K)).
The plan relies on control strategies needed to assure attainment of the PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The strategy focuses on reduction of fugitive dust from paved and unpaved streets and windblown dust by implementing road surfacing and paving projects.
Control Measure
Paved 8.6 miles of gravel roads with recycled asphalt product (RAP), 1992-1993.
- Eagle River area is part of the Municipality of Anchorage and is subject to Ordinance Anchorage Municipal Code (AMC) 21.85.030 which requires new subdivisions, other than those clearly rural in character, to be served by paved streets (January 16, 1987).
- Ordinance AMC 21.45.080.W.7 mandates paving of all off-street parking areas (September 24, 1991).
Contingency Measures
Resolution No. 90-30, Anchorage Assembly, February 6, 1990, and internal directive (Municipality of Anchorage Memorandum dated December 28, 1989), issued to initiate these contingency measures:
- Surfacing roadway mileage within problem zone with RAP.
- “Sweetening” a portion of the existing RAP surfaced roads with asphalt emulsion.
EPA Effective Date
Control Measures: October 12, 1993
Contingency Measures: April 25, 1994