* State: District of Columbia
* Agency: DC- Department of Energy and the Environment
* Regulation Type: Rule
* Rule #: 20 DCMR, Chapter 1, Section 199
* Rule Title: Definitions and Abbreviations
* State Effective Date: 12/14/18
* Final Federal Register Date: 2/24/20
* Federal Register Citation #: 85 FR 10295
* Superseded:
* Rescinded Date:
* Comments Historical information: 1. Definition of "major stationary source" is revised, with a SIP-effective date of 2/28/05.
2. Removal of 17 definitions, and revision to the definition of "Volatile organic compounds. The SIP effective date is 5/29/13-78 FR 24992.
3. Preconstruction Requirements -Nonattainment NSR definitions changed in 80 FR 14310 (3/9/ 15 state effective date 11-16-12 ).
4. Non-EGU Limits on Nitrogen Oxide Emissions in 81 FR 8656 changing definitions dated 81 FR 8656
5. 82 FR 20270 dated 5-1-17 federally effective 5-31-17 added two defintions...this was a final notice after comments on a DFRN and NPR dated 10-11-2016 81 FR 70064 & 81 FR 70020...new defintions were also added to Chapter 8 - Regulation section 899 that relate to handling and storage of fuel oil.
6. 85 FR 10295 Revised Sections 199.1 and 199.2. Added six definitions to Section 199.1 and an abbreviation for ‘‘ppmvd’’ to read ‘‘(Parts Per Million by Volume Dry Basis)’’ to Section 199.2. Prior Approval was 5/1/17.
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District of Columbia SIP, dc_chapter_199_1_2_july_2020 (PDF)(23 pp, 323 K)
District of Columbia SIP, dc_chapter_199_1_2_july_2020