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Delaware SIP: Regulation 1125, Requirements for Preconstruction Review

State:  Delaware 

 Agency:  DE- Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Regulation Type:  Rule
Rule #:  Regulation 1125
Rule Title:  Requirements for Preconstruction Review

 State Effective Date:  1/11/2020
Final Federal Register Date:  5/1/2020

Federal Register Citation #:  85 FR 25307
Superseded / Rescinded Date:  None
Historical information -
 1. Administrative and non-substantive revisions to all sections. The SIP effective date is 10/12/10.
 2. Section 3.0 is amended to include NOx as precursor to ozone. The SIP effective date is 10/20/10.
 3. Revised Section 3.2 and  - Previous SIP-approved revisions to Section 3.1 for nitrogen dioxide increments and Section 3.9A (now designated as Section 3.10.1) for air quality models remain part of the SIP.  Action dated 10/2/12 77 FR 60053  federally effective 11/1/12.
 4. Revisions to Sections 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. The State effective date is 2/11/12, and the SIP effective date is 11/1/12 (77 FR 60053).
 5. Correction FRN published 11/6/12 (77 FR 66543).
 6. Added definitions of "GHG" and "Subject to Regulation." The SIP effective date is 4/1/13.
 7. 10/21/16 - 81 FR 72529. EPA disapporval of regulatory additions to 1125.2.5.5 and 2.5.6 regulatory copy below remains as it was previously approved. SIP effective 11-21-16

8. 85 FR 25307 changed 3.10.1 and 3.10.2  Docket #: 2019–0663. Revised 3.10.1 and 3.10.2. Note: Previous Section 3.0 approval October 2, 2012.

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