Kansas SIP: EPA Approved Kansas Regulations
EPA Approved Kansas Regulations
Kansas Department of Health and Environment Ambient Air Quality Standards and Air Pollution Control |
28-19-6 to 28-19-15 | General Regulations |
28-19-16 | Nonattainment Area Requirements |
28-19-17 | Attainment Area Requirements |
28-19-18 | Stack Height Requirements |
28-19-19 | Continuous Emission Monitoring |
28-19-20 to 28-19-26 | Processing Operation Emissions (Note: Rule 28-19-24 is approved under Part 62 and is not SIP approved.) |
28-19-30 to 28-19-32 | Indirect Heating Equipment Emissions |
28-19-40 to 28-19-43 | Incinerator Emissions |
28-19-55 to 28-19-58 | Air Pollution Emergencies |
28-19-61 to 28-19-77 | Volatile Organic Compound Emissions |
28-19-200 to 28-19-274 | General Provisions |
28-19-300 to 28-19-350 | Construction Permits and Approvals |
28-19-400 to 28-19-404 | General Permits |
28-19-500 to 28-19-502 | Operating Permits |
28-19-510 to 28-19-518 | Class I Operating Permits (Note: Rules are approved under Part 70 and are not SIP approved.) |
28-19-540 to 28-19-564 | Class II Operating Permits |
28-19-645 to 28-19-650 | Open Burning Restrictions |
28-19-712 to 28-19-713 | Nitrogen Oxide Emissions |
28-19-714 to 28-19-719 | Volatile Organic Compound Emissions |
28-19-721 to 28-19-727 | Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (Note: Rules are approved under Part 62 and are not SIP approved.) |
28-19-729 | Waste Incinerators (Note: Rule is approved under Part 62 and is not SIP approved.) |
28-19-800 | Conformity |