Louisiana SIP: LAC 33:III Ch. 15 Section 1513 - Recordkeeping and Reporting
Regulatory Text:
Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 33 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Part III Air (LAC 33:III)
Chapter 15. Emission Standards for Sulfur Dioxide
Section 1513. Recordkeeping and Reporting
As adopted in the Louisiana Register April 20, 1992 (LR 18:0376) (AQ057)
Approved by EPA July 15, 1993 (58 FR 38060) effective September 13, 1993 (LAc59)
The owner or operator of any facility subject to the provisions of this Chapter shall record and retain at the site for at least two years the data required to demonstrate compliance with or exemption from these provisions. All emissions data shall be recorded in the units of the standard using the averaging time of the standard. These data shall be made available to a representative of the department or the U.S. EPA on request. Compliance data shall be reported to the department annually in accordance with LAC 33:III.918. In addition, quarterly reports of three-hour excess emissions and prompt reports of emergency occurrences in accordance with LAC 33:III.927 shall be made.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:2054.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Air Quality and Radiation Protection, Air Quality Division in LR 18:374 (April 1992).