Louisiana SIP: LAC 33:III Ch. 21 Section 2115 - Waste Gas Disposal
Regulatory Text:
Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 33 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Part III Air (LAC 33:III)
Chapter 21. Control of Emission of Organic Compounds
Subchapter A. General
Section 2115. Waste Gas Disposal
As approved by EPA July 5, 2011 (76 FR 38977) effective August 4, 2011 (LAd34) LA021
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0924
Error in Federal Register amendatory language near bottom of page 76 FR 38983 and near
top of page 38984: The State approval date for Sections 2115.A.-2115.G and 2115.H.2.-2115.H.3
and 2115.J and 2115.K.4 and 2115.M should be “1/20/1998”, NOT “2/20/1998”. The “2/20/1998”
date is the date of a correction to the AQ149 revision to Section 2117 published in the Louisiana
Register January 20, 1998.
Unless otherwise indicated, paragraphs are as previously approved by 05/05/94 (59 FR 23166) effective 06/06/94 LAc60 and 07/25/96 (61 FR 38591) effective 08/26/96 (LAc64).
AQ236 §2115.Introductory paragraph;LAd34;LA021.10;AQ236;LR30:0745(4/20/2004)
Any waste gas stream containing volatile organic
compounds (VOC) from any emission source shall be
controlled by one. or more of the applicable methods set
forth in Subsections A-G of this Section. This Section shall
apply to all waste gas streams located at facilities that have
the potential to emit 25 TPY or more of VOC in the parishes
of Ascension, East Baton Rouge, Iberville, Livingston, and
West Baton Rouge; 50 TPY or more of VOC in the parishes
of Calcasieu and Pointe Coupee; or 100 TPY or more of
VOC in any other parish. This Section does not apply to
waste gas streams that must comply with a control
requirement, meet an exemption, or are below an
applicability threshold specified in another section of this
Chapter. This Section does not apply to waste gas streams
that are required by another federal or state regulation to
implement controls that reduce VOC to a more stringent
standard than would be required by this Section.
AQ149 §2115.A;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0021(1/20/1998)
A. Control Requirements for Operations that Commenced
Construction Prior to January 20, 1985. Nonhalogenated
hydrocarbons shall be burned at 1300°F (704°C) for 0.3
second or greater in a direct-flame afterburner or an equally
effective device which achieves a removal efficiency of 95
percent or greater, as determined in accordance with
Subsection J.l of this Section, or if emissions are reduced to
50 ppm by volume, whichever is less stringent.
AQ149 §2115.B;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0021(1/20/1998)
B. Control Requirements for Operations that Commenced
Construction On or After January 20, 1985. Nonhalogenated
hydrocarbons shall be burned at 1600°F (870°C) for 0.5
second or greater in a direct-flame afterburner or thermal
incinerator. Other devices will be accepted provided 98
percent or greater VOC destruction or removal efficiency can
be demonstrated, as determined in accordance with Subsection
J.l of this Section, or if emissions are reduced to 20 ppm by
volume, whichever is less stringent.
AQ149 §2115.C;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0021(1/20/1998)
C. Control Requirements for Existing Polypropylene
Plants Using Liquid Phase Processes. All waste gas streams
containing VOCs at the following sources in existing
polypropylene plants using liquid phase processes shall be
controlled as specified in Subsection B of this Section:
1. polymerization reaction section (i.e., reactor vents);
2. material recovery section (i.e., decanter vents, neutralizer vents, by-product and diluent recovery operation vents); and
3. product finishing section (i.e., dryer vents and extrusion and pelletizing vents).
AQ149 §2115.D;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0021(1/20/1998)
D. Control Requirements for Existing High-Density
Polyethylene Plants Using Liquid Phase Slurry Processes. All
waste gas streams containing VOCs at the following sources
in existing high-density polyethylene plants using liquid phase
slurry processes shall be controlled as specified in Subsection
B of this Section:
1. material recovery section (i.e., ethylene recycle treater vents), and
2. product finishing section (i.e., dryer vents and continuous mixer vents).
AQ149 §2115.E;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0021(1/20/1998)
E .. Control Requirements for Polystyrene Plants Using
Continuous Processes. The emissions from the material
recovery section (e.g., product devolatilizer system) shall be
limited to 0.12 kg VOC/1,000 kg of product.
AQ149 §2115.F;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0021(1/20/1998)
F. Control Requirements for Halogenated Hydrocarbons.
The halogenated hydrocarbons shall be combusted or
controlled by other methods specified in Subsection G of this
Section that achieve a removal efficiency of 95 percent or
greater, as determined in accordance with Subsection J.l of
this section. If combusted, the halogenated products of
combustion shall be reduced to an emission level acceptable
to the administrative authority.
AQ149 §2115.G;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0021(1/20/1998)
G. Alternative Control Requirements. Other methods of
control (such as, but not limited to, carbon adsorption,
refrigeration, catalytic and/or thermal reaction, secondary
steam stripping, recycling, or vapor recovery system) may be
substituted for burning provided the substitute is acceptable to
the administrative authority* and it achieves the same removal
efficiency as required by this Section and determined in
accordance with Subsection J.l of this Section or it achieves
a degree of control not practically or safely achieved by other
H. Exemptions
1. All waste gas disposal streams containing VOC, except those subject to Subsections C, D and E of this Section, are exempt from the requirements of this Section if any of the following conditions are met:
AQ236 §2115.H.1.a;LAd34;LA021.10;AQ236;LR30:0746(4/20/2004)
a. it can be demonstrated that the waste gas stream
is not a part of a facility that emits, or has the potential to
emit, 25 TPY or more of VOC in the parishes of Ascension,
East Baton Rouge, Iberville, Livingston, and West Baton
Rouge; 50 TPY or more of VOC in the parishes of Calcasieu
and Pointe Coupee; or 100 TPY or more of VOC in any
other parish;
b. it is a vent gas stream from a low-density polyethylene plant and no mare than 1.1 pounds of ethylene per 1,000 pounds (1.1 kg/1000 kg) of product are emitted from all the vent gas streams associated with the formation, handling and storage of solidified product; or
c. it is a vent gas stream having a combined weight of VOC equal to or less than 100 pounds (45.4 kg) in any continuous 24-hour period; or
d. it is a vent gas stream with a concentration of VOC less than 0.44 psia true partial pressure (30,000 ppm) except for the parishes of Ascension, Calcasieu, East Baton Rouge, Iberville, Livingston, Pointe Coupee, St. James and West Baton rouge in which the concentration of VOC in the vent gas stream must be less than 0.044 psia true partial pressure (3,000 ppm).
AQ149 §2115.H.2;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0021(1/20/1998)
2. Except for waste gas streams subject to Subsections
C, D, and E of this Section, the administrative authority* may
waive the requirements of this Section if one of the following
conditions is met:
a. it will not support combustion without economically impractical amounts of auxiliary fuel; or
b. its disposal cannot be practically or safely accomplished by the means described herein or other equivalent means without causing undue economic hardship.
AQ149 §2115.H.3;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0021(1/20/1998)
3. Waste gas streams subject to Subsections C, D, and
E of this Section are exempt from the requirements of this
Section if it can be demonstrated that the waste gas stream has
a concentration of VOCs no greater than 408 ppm by volume.
I. Test Methods. Compliance with paragraphs A, B, C, D, E, F, and G of this Section shall be determined by applying the following test methods, as appropriate:
AQ145 §2115.I.1 to I.4;LAd34;LA021.02;AQ145;LR22:1212p8(12/20/1996)
1. Test Methods 1- 4 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A, as incorporated
by reference at LAC 33:III.3003) for determining flow rates, as necessary;
2. Test Method 18 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A, as incorporated by reference
at LAC 33:III.3003) for determining gaseous organic compound emissions
by gas chromatography;
3. Test Method 25 (40 CFR part 60, appendjx A, as incorporated by
reference at LAC III.3003) for determining total gaseous nonmethane
organic emissions as carbon;
4. Test Method 25A or 25B (40 CFR part 60, appendix A, as incorporated
by reference at LAC III.3003) for determining total gaseous organic concentration
using flame ionization or nondispersive infrared analysis; and
5. modified test methods approved or specified by the administrative authority*.
AQ236 §2115.J;LAd34;LA021.10;AQ236;LR30:0746(4/20/2004)
J. Compliance. All facilities affected by this Section
shall be in compliance as soon as practicable but in no event
later than August 20, 2003. A facility that has become
subject to this regulation as a result of a revision of the
regulation shall comply with the requirements of this Section
as soon as practicable, but in no event later than one year
from the promulgation of the regulation revision.
1. Compliance with Section 2115 shall be demonstrated at the owner/operator's expense as requested by the administrative authority. Such demonstration shall consist of control device destruction efficiency or recovery efficiency testing. Such compliance testing is in addition to the continuous monitoring required under LAC 33:III.2115.J.2.
2. The owner/operator of any facility subject to LAC 33:III.2115 shall install and maintain monitors to accurately measure and record operational parameters of all required control devices as necessary to ensure the proper functioning of those devices in accordance with the design specifications, including but not limited to:
a. the exhaust gas temperature of direct flame incinerators and/or the gas temperature immediately upstream and downstream of any catalyst bed;
b. the breakthrough of volatile organic compounds in a carbon adsorption unit;
c. the total amount of volatile organic compounds recovered by carbon adsorption or other waste gas stream recovery systems during a calendar month;
d. the dates for any maintenance of the required control devices and the estimated quantity and duration of volatile organic compound emissions during such activities; and
e. any other parameters affecting or related to waste gas streams as considered necessary by the administrative authority.
K. Recordkeeping. The owner or operator of any facility subject to LAC 33:III.2115 shall maintain the following information on the premises for at least two years and shall make such information available to representatives of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and the Environmental Protection Agency upon request:
1. a record for each vent of the results of any testing conducted at the facility in accordance with the provisions specified in Paragraph I and J of this Section;
2. the date for any maintenance and repair of required control devices and the estimated quantity and duration of volatile organic compound emissions during such activities;
3. records for each vent required to satisfy the provisions of LAC 33:III.2115.J.2 to demonstrate the proper functioning of applicable control equipment to design specifications;
AQ149 §2115.K.4;LAd34;LA021.05; AQ149;LR 24:0022 (1/20/1998)
4. records to demonstrate that the criteria are being met
for any exemption claimed.
FYI: NOT in SIP – Not listed in LAd34 amendatory language
AQ149 §2115.L;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0022(1/20/1998) L. This Section does not apply to safety relief and vaporblowdown systems where control cannot be accomplishedbecause of safety or economic considerations. However, theemissions from these systems shall be reported to thedepartment as required under LAC 33:III.918. Emergencyoccurrences shall be reported under LAC 33:III.927.
Paragraph L as previously approved by EPA.
L. LAC 33:III.2115 does not apply to safety relief and vapor blowdown systems where control cannot be accomplished because of safety or economic considerations. However, the emissions from these systems shall be reported to the department as required under LAC 33:III.917. Emergency occurrences shall be reported under LAC 33:III.927.
AQ149 §2115.M;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0022(1/20/1998)
M. Definitions. Unless specifically defined in LAC
33:III.111, the terms in this section shall have the meanings
commonly used in the field of air pollution control.
Additionally, the following meanings apply:
AQ149 §2115.M. Safety Relief and Vapor Blowdown Systems;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0022 (1/20/1998)
Safety Relief and Vapor Blowdown Systems -- the
emergency escape of gas from a process unit through a valve
or other mechanical device, in order to eliminate system
overpressure or in the case of an operational emergency.
AQ149 §2115.M.Waste Gas Stream;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0022(1/20/1998)
Waste Gas Stream -- any gas stream, excluding fugitive
emissions as defined in LAC 33:III.Chapter 5, containing
VOC and discharged from a processing facility directly to the
atmosphere or indirectly to the atmosphere after diversion
through other process equipment. Process gaseous streams
that are used as primary fuels are excluded. The streams that
transfer such fuels to a plant fuel gas system are not
considered to be waste gas.
****End Louisiana Section 2115 SIP effective August 4, 2011***LAd34***LA021***y2p****