Louisiana SIP: LAC 33:III Ch 2121. Fugitive Emission Control; SIP effective 2011-08-04 (LAd34) and 2016-02-29 (LAd47) to 2017-09-27
Regulatory Text:
Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 33 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Part III Air (LAC 33:III)
Chapter 21. Control of Emission of Organic Compounds
Subchapter A. General
Section 2121. Fugitive Emission Control
As approved by EPA July 5, 2011 (76 FR 38977) effective August 4, 2011 (LAd34,
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0924 [LA021].
Error in Federal Register amendatory language: on page 76 FR 38984, near the middle
of the page, "Section 2121.C.4.h.i" should be "Section 2121.C.4.i".
§2121.F as approved by EPA January 28, 2016 (81 FR 04891) effective February 29, 2016 (LAd47),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2012-0434 [LA039].
Unless otherwise indicated, paragraphs are as previously approved by EPA 05/05/94 (59 FR 23166) effective 06/06/94 (LAc60).
AQ237 §2121.A to A.i;LAd34;LA021.09;AQ237;LR30:1659(8/20/2004)
A. Applicability. This regulation is applicable to
equipment in petroleum refineries, natural gas processing
plants, the synthetic organic chemical manufacturing
industry (SOCMI), the methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE)
manufacturing industry, and the polymer manufacturing
industry that contains any of the following components that
are intended to operate in VOC service 300 hours or more
during the calendar year:
a. pumps;
b. compressors;
c. pressure relief devices;
d. open-ended valves or lines;
e. process drains;
f. valves;
g. agitators;
h. instrumentation systems; and
i. connectors.
AQ237 §2121.B to B.1;LAd34;LA021.09;AQ237;LR30:1660(8/20/2004)
B. Fugitive Emission Control Requirements
1. No component specified for monitoring under
Subsection C of this Section shall be allowed to leak organic
compounds exceeding 10,000 parts per million by volume
(ppmv), as defined in LAC 33:III.111, when tested by
Method 21 "Determination of Volatile Organic Compound
Leaks" in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by
reference at LAC 33:III.3003. Any regulated component
observed leaking by sight, sound, or smell must be repaired
according to Paragraph B.3 of this Section, regardless of the
leak's concentration. This includes instrumentation system
leaks and flange and connection leaks found per
Subparagraph C.3.b of this Section, pump and compressor
seal leaks found during the weekly visual inspections, and
other regulated components found leaking.
2. No valve, except safety pressure relief valves, valves on sample lines, valves on drain lines and valves that can be removed and replaced without a shutdown, shall be located at the end of a pipe or line containing volatile organic compounds unless the end of such line is sealed with a second valve, a blind flange, a plug, or a cap. Such sealing devices may be removed only when the line is in use, for example, when a sample is being taken. When the line has been used and is subsequently resealed, the upstream valve shall be closed first, followed by the sealing device.
3. The operator shall make every reasonable effort to repair a leaking component, as described in LAC 33:III.2121.B within 15 days. If the component can be isolated or bypassed so as to significantly reduce or eliminate leakage, or if the repair of a component would require a unit shutdown, and if the shutdown would create more emissions than the repair would eliminate, the repair may be delayed to the next scheduled shutdown. An early unit shutdown may be ordered if leaking component losses become excessive.
C. Monitoring Requirements. The monitoring of the affected components shall be performed by the following schedule using the method described in LAC 33:III.2121.B:
1. Petroleum Refineries, SOCMI, MTBE, and Polymer Manufacturing Industry:
a. Monitor with a leak detection device one time per year (annually) the following items:
i. pump seals;
AQ201 §2121.C.1.a.ii;LAd34;LA021.06;AQ201;LR26:1433(7/20/2000)
ii. valves in liquid service; and
iii. process drains.
b. Monitor with a leak detection device four times per year (quarterly) the following items:
i. compressor seals;
ii. pipeline valves in gas service;
iii. pressure relief valves in gas service;
iv. valves in light liquid service at SOCMI, MTBE, and Polymer Manufacturing Plants,
v. pumps in light liquid service at SOCMI, MTBE, and Polymer Manufacturing Plants, and
vi. valves in gas service at SOCMI, MTBE, and Polymer Manufacturing Plants.
c. Monitor pump seals visually 52 times a year (weekly).
2. Natural gas processing plants:
a. Monitor pump seals and compressor seals visually 52 times a year (weekly).
b. Monitor with a leak detection device four times a year (quarterly):
i. pumps, pump and compressor seals;
ii. valves; and
iii. pressure relief valves in gas service.
3. All listed in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above.
a. Monitor with a leak detection device any pressure relief valve within 24 hours after it has vented to the atmosphere (For natural gas processing plants an immediate visual evaluation will be made).
AQ237 §2121.C.3.b;LAd34;LA021.09;AQ237;LR30:1660(8/20/2004)
b. Monitor immediately with a leak detection device ·
any component that appears to be leaking on the basis of
sight, smell, or sound. This includes flanges and connectors,
instrumentation systems, and pump and compressor seals
observed during the weekly visual inspections, and any other
regulated components that appear to be leaking. In lieu of
monitoring, the operator may elect to implement actions as
specified in Paragraph B.J of this Section.
AQ237 §2121.C.3.c to C.3.c.iii;LAd34;LA021.09;AQ237;LR30:1660(8/20/2004)
c. Any valve that is designated for no detectable
emissions, as indicated by an instrument reading of less than
500 ppm above background, is exempt from the
requirements of Clauses C.l.b.ii and iv and C.2.b.ii of this
Section if the valve:
i. has no external actuating mechanism in contact
with the process fluid (e.g., diaphragm valves, sealed
bellows valves);
ii. is operated with emissions less than 500 ppm
above background as measured in accordance with this
Section; and
iii. is tested for compliance with Clause C.3.c.ii of
this Section initially upon designation and annually
4. Exemptions. Monitoring is not required on the following:
a. components subject to LAC 33:III.2121.C.1 (petroleum refineries, SOCMI, MTBE, and polymer manufacturing industry) which contact a process fluid that contains less than 10 percent VOC by volume or components subject to LAC 33:III.2121.C.2 (Natural Gas Processing Plants) which contact a process fluid that contains less than 1.0 percent VOC by weight.
b. components in the petroleum refineries, SOCMI, MTBE, and polymer manufacturing industry which contact only a process liquid containing a VOC having a true vapor pressure equal to or less than 0.0435 psia (0.3 kPa) at 68 degrees F (20 degrees C).
c. pipeline flanges, inaccessible valves, valves that are unsafe to monitor, check valves (including similar devices not externally regulated). Inaccessible valves should be monitored on an annual basis at a minimum. Unsafe-to-monitor valves should be monitored when conditions would allow these valves to be monitored safely, e.g., during shutdown.
d. pressure relief valves in liquid service at SOCMI and Polymer Manufacturing Industry, except after venting.
e. pressure relief devices, pump seals or packing and compressor seals or packing which are tied to either a flare header or vapor recovery device.
f. equipment operating under vacuum.
g. natural gas processing plants with less than 40 million cubic feet per day (mmcfd) capacity that do not fractionate natural gas liquids.
h. components contacting organic compounds exempted under LAC 33:III.2117 or mixtures of same with water.
AQ149 §2121.C.4.i;LAd34;LA021.05;AQ149;LR24:0022(1/20/1998)
i. pumps and compressors that are sealless or have a
double mechanical seal;
j. research and development pilot facilities and small facilities with less than 100 valves in gas or liquid service.
5. Alternate Monitoring Program. Any facility which already has in place a fugitive emission monitoring program which controls to a higher degree than required under this Section shall be exempted from this Section upon submittal of a description of the program to the administrative authority*.
D. Alternate Control Techniques. The monitoring schedule in LAC 33:III.2121.C may be modified as follows:
AQ130 §2121.D.1;LAd34;LA021.03;AQ130;LR21:1330(12/20/1995)
1. Alternate Standards for Valves and Pumps subject to
LAC 33:III.2121.C.I.b and 2.b--Skip Period Leak Detection
and Repair:
a. An owner or operator may elect to comply with one of the alternative work practices specified in LAC 33:III.2121.D.1.b and c. However, the administrative authority must be notified before implementing one of the alternative work practices.
b. After two consecutive quarterly leak detection periods with the percent of components leaking equal to or less than 2.0, an owner or operator may begin to skip one of the quarterly leak detection periods for the valves in gas/vapor and liquid service and pumps in light liquid service.
c. After five consecutive quarterly leak detection periods with the percent of components leaking equal to or less than 2.0, an owner or operator may begin to skip three of the quarterly leak detection periods for the valves in gas/vapor and liquid service and pumps in light liquid service.
d. If the percent of components leaking is greater than 2.0, the owner or operator shall comply with the requirements as described in LAC 33:III.2121.C but subsequently can again elect to use this Subsection.
e. The percent of components leaking shall be determined by dividing the sum of components found leaking during current monitoring and components for which repair has been delayed by the total number of components subject to the requirements of LAC 33:III.2121.C.
f. An owner or operator must keep a record of the percent of valves and pumps found leaking during each leak detection period.
2. Alternative Standards for Valves and Pumps - Increased Monitoring Frequency. If there is an excessive number of leaks (greater than the good performance level), then an increase in the frequency of monitoring may be required.
E. Recordkeeping
1. When a leak that cannot be repaired on-line and in-place, as described in LAC 33:III.2121.B is located, a weatherproof and readily visible tag bearing an identification number and the date the leak is located shall be affixed to the leaking component. After the leak is repaired the tag is dated and removed.
2. A survey log shall be maintained by the operator which shall include the following:
a. The name of the process unit where the leaking component is located.
b. The name of the leaking component.
c. The stream identification at the leak.
d. The identification number from the tag required by LAC 33:III.2121.E.1
e. The date the leak was located.
f. The date maintenance was performed.
g. The date the component was rechecked after maintenance, as well as the instrument reading upon check (For natural gas processing plants the soap bubble test commonly performed in the industry is satisfactory).
h. a record of leak detection device calibration.
i. a listing of leaks not repaired until turnaround.
j. a list of total number of items checked versus the
total found leaking.
3. The operator shall retain the survey log for two years after the latter date specified in LAC 33:.III.2121.E.2 and make said log available to the administrative authority upon request.
§2121.F SIP effective to February 28, 2016.OS065 §2121.F;LAd34;LA021.11;OS065;LR31:2440;(10/20/2005) F. Reporting Requirements. The operator of the affectedfacility shall submit to the Office of EnvironmentalAssessment, Air Quality Assessment Division, a reportsemiannually containing the information below for eachcalendar quarter during the reporting period. The reports aredue by the last day of the month (January and July)following the monitoring period or by a date approved bythe department. The reports shall include the followinginformation for each quarter of the reporting period:
§2121.F as submitted to EPA August 14, 2009 [LA039.03] and resubmitted
to EPA October 2015 [LA039.05], MM002 LR 33:2086 (October 20, 2007).
Approved by EPA January 28, 2016 (81 FR 04891) effective February 29, 2016 (LAd47),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2012-0434 [LA039].
F. Reporting Requirements. The operator of the affected
facility shall submit to the Office of Environmental
Assessment a report semiannually containing the
information below for each calendar quarter during the
reporting period. The reports are due by the last day of the
month (January and July) following the monitoring period or
by a date approved by the department. The reports shall
include the following information for each quarter of the
reporting period:
1. the name of the unit where the leaking component is located, the date of last unit shutdown.
2. the name of the leaking component.
3. the stream identification at the leak.
4. the date the leak was located.
5. the date maintenance was attempted.
6. the date the leak will be repaired.
7. the reason repairs failed or were postponed.
8. the list of items awaiting turnaround for repair.
9. the number of items checked versus the number found leaking.
10. the operator shall include in this report a signed statement attesting to the fact that all other monitoring has been performed as required by the regulations.
AQ237 §2121.G;LAd34;LA021.09;AQ237;LR30:1660(8/20/2004) ### deletes 3 words ###
G. Definitions. Terms used in this Section are defined in
LAC 33:III.111 with the exception of those terms
specifically defined as follows:
Heavy liquid service - equipment that is not in gas/vapor service or is not in light liquid service.
Inaccessible valve - a valve that cannot be monitored without elevating the monitoring personnel more than two meters above a support service.
AQ237 §2121.G.Instrumentation System;LAd34;LA021.09;AQ237;LR30:1660(8/20/2004)
Instrumentation System -- a group of equipment
components used to condition and convey a sample of the
process fluid to analyzers and instruments for the purpose of
determining process operating conditions (e.g., composition,
pressure, flow). Valves and connectors are the predominant
types of equipment used in instrumentation systems;
however, other types of equipment may ·also be included in
these systems. Only valves nominally 0.5 inch and smaller
and connectors nominally 0.75 inch and smaller in diameter
are considered instrumentation systems for the purposes of
these regulations. Valves greater than nominally 0.5 inch and
connectors greater than nominally 0.75 inch associated with
instrumentation systems are not considered part of
instrumentation systems and must be monitored individually.
Light liquid - a fluid with a vapor pressure greater than 0.3 kPa at 20 degrees C.
Light liquid service - equipment in liquid service contacting a fluid greater than 10 percent by weight light liquid.
Liquid service - equipment which processes, transfers or contains a VOC or mixture of VOC in the liquid phase.
****End Louisiana Section 2121 SIP effective August 4, 2011***LAd34***LA021***uyd****
****End Louisiana Section 2121 SIP effective February 29, 2016***LAd47***LA039***w2h***