Louisiana SIP: LAC 33:III Ch 25 Subchap D, 2531. Standards of Performance for Crematories; SIP effective February 29, 2016 (LAd47 - New) and September 28, 2017 (LAd58) to present
Regulatory Text:
Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 33 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Part III Air (LAC 33:III)
Chapter 25. Miscellaneous Incineration Rules
Subchapter D. Crematories
Section 2531. Standards of Performance for Crematories, SIP effective February 29, 2016 (LAd47 - New) and September 28, 2017 (LAd58) to present
NOTE: Paragraphs I.2 and J.2 are the only paragraphs of Section 2531 that
have ever been approved by EPA into the Louisiana SIP.
LAd47: Initial SIP-approval of Section 2531:
§2531.I.2 and §2531.J.2 as adopted in the Louisiana Register October 20, 2007 (LR 33:2089)(MM002)
submitted to EPA August 14, 2009 [LA039.03] and resubmitted to EPA October 2015 [LA039.05].
Approved by EPA January 28, 2016 (81 FR 04891) effective February 29, 2016 (LAd47),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2012-0434 [LA039].
MM002 §2531;LAd47;LA039.05;MM002;LR33:2089(10/20/2007) submitted to EPA October 2015
Revision to §2531.I.2 adopted in the Louisiana Register September 20, 2008 (LR 34:1904)(AQ294)
and submitted to EPA August 29, 2013 (LA-129),
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2013-0167-0004 [LA040.04]
Approved by EPA August 20, 2017 (82 FR 40951) effective September 28, 2017 (LAd58).
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2013-0167 [LA040]
Error in Federal Register amendatory language on page 82 FR 40953:
the State approval date should be "09/20/2008" NOT "1/20/2008".
AQ294 §2521;LAd58;LA040.04;AQ294;LR34:1904(09/20/2008) submitted to EPA August 29, 2013
Regulatory Text:
§2531.I.2 SIP effective February 29, 2016 (LAd47) to September 27, 2017MM002 §2531;LAd47;LA039.05;MM002;LR33:2089(10/20/2007) submitted to EPA October 2015
2. A copy of all test results shall be submitted to the
Office of Environmental Assessment for review and
approval within 45 days of completion of testing.
§2531.I.2 SIP effective September 28, 2017 (LAd58) to present
AQ294 §2531;LAd58;LA040.04;AQ294;LR34:1904(09/20/2008) submitted to EPA August 29, 2013
2. A copy of all test results shall be submitted to the
Office of Environmental Assessment for review and
approval within 60 days of completion of testing.
§2531.J.2 SIP effective February 29, 2016 (LAd47) to present
MM002 §2521;LAd47;LA039.05;MM002;LR33:2089(10/20/2007) submitted to EPA October 2015
2. The owner/operator shall provide the Office of
Environmental Assessment at least 30 days prior notice of
any emission test to afford the department the opportunity to
conduct a pretest conference and to have an observer
present. The department has the authority to invalidate any
testing where such notice is not provided.
****End Louisiana Section 2531 SIP effective February 29, 2016***LAd47***LA039***w2i***
**End Louisiana Section 2531 SIP effective September 28, 2017**LAd58**LA040**xye**y3j**