Louisiana SIP: LAC 33:III Ch. 6 Section 619 - Emission Reduction Credit Bank
Regulatory Text:
Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 33 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Part III Air (LAC 33:III) Chapter 6. Regulations on Control of Emissions through the Use of Emission
Reduction Credits (ECR) Banking
§619. Emission Reduction Credit Bank
LAC 33:III.615 updated with revisions adopted in the Louisiana Register November 20, 2012
(LR 38:2767) (AQ327) and submitted to EPA November 3, 2014 (LA048.12J, AQ327).
Approved by EPA August 4, 2016 (81 FR 51341) effective September 6, 2016 (LAd51),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2014-0821 [LA048]
AQ327 §619;LAd51;LA048.12J;AQ327;LR38:2767 (11/20/2012), submitted to EPA November 3, 2014 [LA048.12J]
AQ327 §619.A;LAd51;LA048.12J;AQ327;LR38:2767 (11/20/2012), submitted to EPA November 3, 2014 [LA048.12J].
A. The department shall maintain a banking database
that shall consist of a record of all information concerning
applications, deposits, withdrawals, and transactions, as well
as pertinent date(s) concerning such information. All data in
the banking database shall be available to the public upon
AQ211 §619.B-B.7;LAd12;As amended in Louisiana Register February 20, 2002 (LR 28:301)(AQ211),
Approved by EPA September 27, 2002 (67 FR 60877) effective September 27, 2002 (LAd12).
B. ERC Certificates. Certificates shall be issued for
approved ERCs. A record of each ERC certificate issued
shall be retained by the department. Each ERC certificate
shall, at minimum:
1. bear the date of issuance;
2. be signed by the permitting authority;
3. include the owner(s)' name(s) and address(es);
4. state the name of the stationary source where the
emission reduction occurred;
5. indicate the method of ERC creation;
6. show the quantity of the ERC and type of pollutant; and
7. show when the emission reduction occurred.
AQ211 §619.C;LAd12;As amended in Louisiana Register February 20, 2002 (LR 28:301)(AQ211),
Approved by EPA September 27, 2002 (67 FR 60877) effective September 27, 2002 (LAd12).
C. Multiple ERC Certificates and Multiple Ownership.
Single or multiple ERC certificates may be issued for a
particular emission reduction project. At the owner(s)'
request, multiple ERC certificates shall be issued for each
owner's proportional share.