* State: Maryland
* Agency: MD-Department of the Environment
* Regulation Type: Rule
* Rule #: COMAR
* Rule Title: Metal Parts and Products Coating
* State Effective Date: 05/26/2014
* Final Federal Register Date: 10/01/2015
* Federal Register Citation #: 80 FR 59055
* Superseded:
* Rescinded Date :
* Comments: 1. 57 FR 49651, 11/03/1992 - Section title - Control of Volatile Organic Compunds from Specific Processes - Metal Furniture Coating
2. Revision changes title of Section and removes one definition and adds three more. Removal of Emission Standards and replace it with new .08(B) 80 FR 59055.
md_comar-26_11_19_08 (PDF)(6 pp, 1 MB,
05/26/2014 )