EPA Approved Statutes and Regulations in the Minnesota SIP
§52.1220 Identification of plan.
Link to an amendment published at 82 FR 13234, Mar. 10, 2017.
Link to an amendment published at 82 FR 16923, Apr. 7, 2017.
(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Minnesota under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
(b) Incorporation by reference.
(1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to December 1, 2004, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with the EPA approval dates after December 1, 2004, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region 5 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by the EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the SIP as of December 1, 2004.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, Air Programs Branch, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604; the EPA, Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, 1301 Constitution Avenue NW., Room B108, Washington, DC 20460; or the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.
EPA—Approved Minnesota Regulations
Minnesota citation |
Title/subject | State effective date | EPA approval date | Comments |
7002.0005 | Scope | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7002.0015 | Definitions | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | Only Subp. 1 and 2. |
7005.0100 | Definitions | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7005.0110 | Abbreviations | 07/93-06/94 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 18 SR 1412. |
7007.0050 | Scope | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0100 | Definitions | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 9a, 12a, 12b, 17, 18a, and 28. | ||
7007.0150 | Permit required | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 2 and 4. | ||
7007.0200 | Sources required or allowed to obtain a part 70 permit | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 1. | ||
7007.0250 | Sources required to obtain a state permit | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 1 and 7. | ||
7007.0300 | Sources not required to obtain a permit | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 1. | ||
7007.0350 | Existing source application deadlines and source operation during transition | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 1A. | ||
7007.0400 | Permit reissuance applications after transition; new source and permit amendment applications; applications for sources newly subject to a Part 70 or State permit requirement | 08/10/93 12/27/94 |
05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 Revised Subp. 1 and 4. |
7007.0450 | Permit reissuance applications and continuation of expiring permits | 08/10/93 12/27/94 |
05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 Revised Subp. 2C. |
7007.0500 | Content of permit application | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0550 | Confidential information | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0600 | Complete application and supplemental information requirements | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0650 | Who receives an application | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0700 | Completeness review | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0750 | Application priority and issuance timelines | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 5. | ||
7007.0800 | Permit content | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
02/28/95 | 10/14/97, 62 FR 53239 | Revised Subp. 6.C(5). | ||
7007.0850 | Permit application notice and comment | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0900 | Review of part 70 permits by affected states | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0950 | EPA review and objection | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1000 | Permit issuance and denial | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1050 | Duration of permits | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 3a. | ||
7007.1100 | General permits | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1110 | Registration permit general requirements | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7007.1115 | Registration permit option a | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7007.1120 | Registration permit option b | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7007.1130 | Registration permit option d | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7007.1150 | When a permit amendment is required | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. (C). | ||
7007.1200 | Calculating emission changes for permit amendments | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7007.1250 | Insignificant modifications | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 1. | ||
7007.1251 | Hazardous air pollutant thresholds | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7007.1300 | Insignificant activities list | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 2, 3, and 4. | ||
7007.1350 | Changes which contravene certain permit terms | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1400 | Administrative permit amendments | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1450 | Minor and moderate permit amendments | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 2. | ||
7007.1500 | Major permit amendments | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1600 | Permit reopening and amendment by agency | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1650 | Reopenings for cause by EPA | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1700 | Permit revocation by agency | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1750 | Federal enforceability | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1800 | Permit shield | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1850 | Emergency provision | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
Offsets | ||||
7007.4000 | Scope | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7007.4010 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7007.4020 | Conditions for permit | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7007.4030 | Limitation on use of offsets | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.0010 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.0020 | Prohibited emissions | 10/18/93 | 5/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.0050 | Interpretation and measurement methodology, except for hydrogen sulfide | 6/1/99 | 8/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7009.0060 | Measurement methodology for hydrogen sulfide | 07/94-06/95 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 19 SR 550. |
7009.0070 | Time of compliance | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | 7. |
7009.0080 | State ambient air quality standards | 06/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
Air Pollution Episodes | ||||
7009.1000 | Air pollution episodes | 03/18/96 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7009.1010 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7009.1020 | Episode levels | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7009.1030 | Episode declaration | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7009.1040 | Control actions | 01/12/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7009.1050 | Emergency powers | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7009.1060 | Table 1 | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1070 | Table 2: emission reduction objectives for particulate matter | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7009.1080 | Table 3: emission objectives for sulfur oxides | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7009.1090 | Table 4: emission reduction objectives for nitrogen oxides | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7009.1100 | Table 5: emission reduction objectives for hydrocarbons | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7009.1110 | Table 6: emission reduction objectives for carbon monoxide | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
Adoption of Federal Regulations | ||||
7009.9000 | Determining conformity of general Federal actions to state or Federal implementation plans | 11/20/95 | 04/23/97, 62 FR 19674. | |
7011.0010 | Applicability of standards of performance | 06/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0020 | Circumvention | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
Control Equipment | ||||
7011.0060 | Definitions | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0061 | Incorporation by reference | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0065 | Applicability | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0070 | Listed control equipment and control equipment efficiencies | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0072 | Requirements for certified hoods | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0075 | Listed control equipment general requirements | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0080 | Monitoring and record keeping for listed control equipment | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
Emission Standards for Visible Air Contaminants | ||||
7011.0100 | Scope | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0105 | Visible emission restrictions for existing facilities | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0110 | Visible emission restrictions for new facilities | 01/12/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0115 | Performance tests | 07/93-06/94 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 18 SR 1412. |
Control of Fugitive Pariculate Matter | ||||
7011.0150 | Preventing particulate matter from becoming airborne | 03/18/96 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
Indirect Heating Fossil-Fuel-Burning Equipment | ||||
7011.0500 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0505 | Determination of applicable standards of performance | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0510 | Standards of performance for existing indirect heating equipment | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0515 | Standards of performance for new indirect heating equipment | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0520 | Allowance for stack height for indirect heating equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0525 | High heating value | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0530 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0535 | Performance test procedures | 01/12/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0540 | Derate | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0545 | Table I: existing indirect heating equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0550 | Table II: new indirect heating equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0551 | Record keeping and reporting for indirect heating units combusting solid waste | 05/11/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0553 | Nitrogen oxides emission reduction requirements for affected sources | 07/94-06/95 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 19 SR 1666. |
Direct Heating Fossil-Fuel-Burning Equipment | ||||
7011.0600 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0605 | Determination of applicable standards of performance | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0610 | Standards of performance for fossil-fuel-burning direct heating equipment | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0615 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0620 | Performance test procedures | 01/12/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0625 | Record keeping and reporting for direct heating units combusting solid waste | 05/11/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
Industrial Process Equipment | ||||
7011.0700 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0705 | Scope | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0710 | Standards of performance for pre-1969 industrial process equipment | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0715 | Standards of performance for post-1969 industrial process equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0720 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.0725 | Performance test procedures | 07/93-06/94 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 18 SR 1412. |
7011.0730 | Table 1 | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0735 | Table 2 | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
Concrete Manufacturing Plant Standards Of Performance | ||||
7011.0850 | Definitions | 04/21/03 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0852 | Standards of performance for concrete manufacturing plants | 11/23/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0854 | Concrete manufacturing plant control equipment requirements | 11/23/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0857 | Preventing particulate matter from becoming airborne | 11/23/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0858 | Noise | 11/23/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0859 | Shutdown and breakdown procedures | 11/23/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0865 | Incorporations by reference | 04/21/03 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0870 | Stage-one vapor recovery | 04/21/03 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
Hot Mix Asphalt Plants | ||||
7011.0900 | Definitions | 06/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0903 | Compliance with ambient air quality standards | 04/15/96 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0905 | Standards of performance for existing asphalt concrete plants | 04/15/96 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0911 | Maintenance of dryer burner | 04/15/96 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0913 | Hot mix asphalt plant materials, fuels, and additives operating requirements | 05/24/04 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0917 | Asphalt plant control equipment requirements | 11/29/04 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0920 | Performance tests | 04/15/96 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.0922 | Operational requirements and limitations from performance tests | 04/15/96 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
Bulk Agricultural Commodity Facilities | ||||
7011.1000 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1005 | Standards of performance for dry bulk agricultural commodity facilities | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1010 | Nuisance | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1015 | Control requirements schedule | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
Coal Handling Facilities | ||||
7011.1100 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1105 | Standards of performance for certain coal handling facilities | 01/12/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1110 | Standards of performance for existing outstate coal handling facilities | 01/12/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1115 | Standards of performance for pneumatic coal-cleaning equipment and thermal dryers at any coal handling facility | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1120 | Exemption | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1125 | Cessation of operations | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1135 | Performance test procedures | 07/93-06/94 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 18 SR 1412. |
7011.1140 | Dust suppressant agents | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
Waste Combustors | ||||
7011.1201 | Definitions | 05/11/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1205 | Incorporations by reference | 05/11/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
Incinerators | ||||
7011.1300 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1305 | Standards of performance for existing sewage sludge incinerators | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1310 | Standards of performance for new sewage sludge incinerators | 01/12/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1315 | Monitoring of operations | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1320 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1325 | Performance test procedures | 07/93-06/94 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 18 SR 1412. |
Petroleum Refineries | ||||
7011.1400 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1405 | Standards of performance for existing affected facilities at petroleum refineries | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1410 | Standards of performance for new affected facilities at petroleum refineries | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1415 | Exemptions | 01/12/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1420 | Emission monitoring | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1425 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1430 | Performance test procedures | 07/93-06/94 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 18 SR 1412. |
Liquid Petroleum And Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels | ||||
7011.1500 | Definitions | 06/01/99 | ||
7011.1505 | Standards of performance for storage vessels | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1510 | Monitoring of operations | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1515 | Exception | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
Sulfuric Acid Plants | ||||
7011.1600 | Definitions | 01/12/98 | ||
7011.1605 | Standards of performance of existing sulfuric acid production units | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1615 | Continuous emission monitoring | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1620 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1625 | Performance test procedures | *1 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1630 | Exceptions | 07/93-06/94 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 18 SR 1412. |
Nitric Acid Plants | ||||
7011.1700 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1705 | Standards of performance for existing nitric acid production units | 01/12/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1715 | Emission monitoring | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7011.1720 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.1725 | Performance test procedures | 07/93-06/94 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 18 SR 1412. |
Emission Standards For Inorganic Fibrous Materials | ||||
7011.2100 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
7011.2105 | Spraying of inorganic fibrous materials | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411. | |
Stationary Internal Combustion Engines | ||||
7011.2300 | Standards of performance for stationary internal combustion engines | 02/21/95 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.0100 | Establishing violations | 02/28/95 | 10/14/97, 62 FR 53239. | |
Compliance Assurance Monitoring | ||||
7017.0200 | Incorporation by reference | 05/24/04 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
Continuous Monitoring Systems | ||||
7017.1002 | Definitions | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1004 | Applicability | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1006 | Requirement to install monitor | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1010 | Incorporation of Federal monitoring requirements by reference | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1020 | Continuous emission monitoring by affected sources | 07/94-06/95 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 19 SR 1666. |
7017.1030 | Agency access to witness or conduct tests | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1035 | Testing required | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1040 | Installation requirements | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1050 | Monitor certification and recertification test | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1060 | Precertification test requirements | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1070 | Certification test procedures | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1080 | Certification test report requirements | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1090 | Monitor operational requirements | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1100 | Evidence of noncompliance | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1110 | Excess emissions reports | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1120 | Submittals | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1130 | Record keeping | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1135 | Applicability | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1140 | CEMS design requirements | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1150 | CEMS testing company requirement | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1160 | CEMS monitoring data | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1170 | Quality assurance and control requirements for CEMS | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1180 | Quality control reporting and notification requirements for CEMS | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1185 | Applicability | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1190 | COMS design requirements | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1200 | COMS monitoring data | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1210 | Quality assurance and control requirements for COMS | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.1220 | Quality assurance and control reporting requirements for COMS | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
Performance Tests | ||||
7017.2001 | Applicability | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.2005 | Definitions | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.2010 | Incorporation of test methods by reference | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.2015 | Incorporation of Federal testing requirements by reference | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.2018 | Submittals | 05/24/04 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.2020 | Performance tests general requirements | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.2025 | Operational requirements and limitations | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.2030 | Performance test pretest requirements | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.2035 | Performance test reporting requirements | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.2040 | Certification of performance test results | 07/13/98 | 05/13/02, 67 FR 31963 | |
7017.2045 | Quality assurance requirements | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.2050 | Performance test methods | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7017.2060 | Performance test procedures | 07/13/98 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7019.1000 | Shutdowns and breakdowns | 06/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7019.3000 | Emission inventory | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7019.3020 | Calculation of actual emissions for emission inventory | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7019.3030 | Method of calculation | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7019.3040 | Continuous emission monitor (CEM) data | 03/01/99 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7019.3050 | Performance test data | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7019.3060 | Volatile organic compound (VOC) material balance | 1997 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 21 SR 165. |
7019.3070 | So material balance | 1997 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 21 SR 165. |
7019.3080 | Emission factors | 11/19/07 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | |
7019.3090 | Enforceable limitations | 1997 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 21 SR 165. |
7019.3100 | Facility proposal | 1997 | 08/10/11, 76 FR 49303 | 21 SR 165. |
7023.0100 | Definitions. | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7023.0105 | Standards of performance for motor vehicles | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7023.0110 | Standards of performance for trains, boats, and construction equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7023.0115 | Exemption | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7023.0120 | Air pollution control systems restrictions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7023.1010 | Definitions | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | Entire rule except for Subp. 35(B) |
7023.1015 | Inspection Requirement | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1020 | Description of Inspection and Documents Required | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1025 | Tampering Inspection | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1030 | Exhaust Emission Test | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | Entire rule except for Subp. 11(B, C) |
7023.1035 | Reinspections | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1040 | Vehicle Inspection Report | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1045 | Certificate of Compliance | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1050 | Vehicle Noncompliance and Repair | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1055 | Certificate of Waiver | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | Entire rule except for Subp. 1 (E)(2). |
7023.1060 | Emission Control Equipment Inspection as a Condition of Waiver | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1065 | Repair Cost Limit and Low Emission Adjustment | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1070 | Certificate of Temporary Extension, Certificate of Annual Exemption, and Certificate of Exemption | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1075 | Evidence of Meeting State Inspection Requirements | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1080 | Fleet Inspection Station Permits, Procedures, and Inspection | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1085 | Inspection Stations Testing Fleet Vehicles | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1090 | Exhaust Gas Analyzer Specifications; Calibration and Qality Control | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1095 | [repealed, 18 sr 1593] | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1100 | Public Notification | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
7023.1105 | Inspection Fees | 01/08/94 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | |
Minnesota Statutes | ||||
17.135 | Farm Disposal of Solid Waste | 1993 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | Only item (a). |
88.01 | Definitions | 1993 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | Only Subd. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 14, 20, 23, 24, 25, and 26. |
88.02 | Citation, Wildfire Act | 1993 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
88.03 | Codification | 1993 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
88.16 | Starting Fires; Burners; Failure to Report a Fire | 1993 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | Only Subd. 1 and 2 |
88.17 | Permission to Start Fires; Prosecution for Unlawfully Starting Fires | 1993 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
88.171 | Open Burning Prohibitions | 1993 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | Only Subd. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 |
Twin Cities Nonattainment Area for Carbon Monoxide | ||||
116.60 | 1999 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | Only Subd. 12. | |
116.61 | 1999 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | Only Subd. 1 and 3. | |
116.62 | 1999 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | Only Subd. 2, 3, 5, and 10. | |
116.63 | 1999 | 10/29/99, 64 FR 58344 | Only Subd. 4. |
[70 FR 8932, Feb. 24, 2005]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting §52.1220, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.