Albuquerque SIP: Part 103 (Reg 7. Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Devices) SIP effective 1980-04-10 to 2005-02-28
Regulatory Text:
(Approved by EPA 04/10/80 (45 FR 24468) at 52.1620(c)(11) effective 04/10/80.)
NOTE TO READER: This regulation is not in the current Albuquerque/ Beranllillo County Board regulations, but it is still in the New Mexico SIP.
7.01 No person shall, with the intent of circumventing these regulations, deliberately disable any motor vehicle air pollution emission control system or device installed on or incorporated in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine under the requirements of any federal, state or local law or regulation.
7.02 No person shall fail to maintain in operating condition any motor vehicle air pollution emission control system or device installed on or incorporated in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine to meet emission requirements of any federal, state or local law or regulation.
7.03 No person shall operate any motor vehicle which does not have installed on or incorporated in the motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine in operating condition a motor vehicle air pollution emission control system or device required by any federal, state or local law or regulation.
7.04 Section 7 shall not apply to motor vehicles when they are used in legally sanctioned racing activities.
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