Albuquerque SIP: Part 67 (Reg 13. Coal Burning Equipment - SO2 Emission Limits) SIP effective 1980-04-10 to 2005-02-28
Regulatory Text:
(Approved by EPA 04/10/80 (45 FR 24468) at 52.1620(c)(11) effective 04/10/80.)
13.01 After December 31, 1974, no person owning or operating coal burning equipment having a power generating capacity in excess of 25 megawatts or a heat input of greater than 250 million British Thermal Units per hour shall permit, cause, suffer or allow sulfur dioxide emissions to the atmosphere in excess of 0.34 pounds per million British Thermal Units of heat input.
13.02 Sampling of emissions of sulfur dioxide shall be performed in a manner which prevents interference and prevents the contamination of the reactive elements of the sampling method. The sampling procedures need not be isokinetic but must yield representative gas samples.
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