Albuquerque SIP: Part 67 (Reg 16. Oil Burning Equipment - Particulate Emissions Limits) SIP effective 1980-04-10 to 2005-02-28
Regulatory Text:
(Approved by EPA 04/10/80 (45 FR 24468) at 52.1620(c)(11) effective 04/10/80.)
16.01 No person owning or operating new oil burning equipment having a rated heat capacity greater than 250 million British Thermal Units per hour (higher heating value) per unit shall permit, cause, suffer or allow particulate matter emissions to the atmosphere in excess of 0.03 pounds per million British Thermal Units of heat input (higher heating value) or visible emissions in excess of an opacity of twenty percent (20%) except as provided in Sub-section 16.03.
16.02 No person owning or operating existing oil burning equipment having a rated heat capacity greater than 250 million British Thermal Units per hour (higher heating value) per unit shall permit, cause, suffer or allow particulate matter emissions to the atmosphere in excess of 0.05 pounds per million British Thermal Units of heat input (higher heating value).
16.03 Visible emissions resulting from light off of new flames, blowing tubes and flues, or changing fuels while operating shall not be deemed violations provided the visible emissions do not exceed twenty-seven percent (27%) opacity for a period or periods aggregating not more than 6 minutes in any 60-minute period for units governed by Sub-section 16.01.
16.04 Particulate matter emissions governed by Sub-section 16.01 and 16.02 shall be determined by a method consistent with the method set forth by the federal Environmental Protection Agency at 40 CFR, Part 60, Appendix A, Methods 1 through 5, or any other equivalent method receiving prior approval by the Department.
16.05 Opacity of emissions from oil burning equipment subject to Sub-section 16.01 shall be determined consistent with the method set forth by the federal Environmental Protection Agency at 40 CFR, Part 60, Appendix A, Method 9, or any other equivalent method receiving prior approval by the Department. The time period for taking opacity readings shall be for a minimum of six minutes.
16.06 As used in this regulation:
A) "new oil burning equipment" means oil-burning equipment the construction of which is commenced after August 17, 1971;
B) "existing oil burning equipment" means oil-burning equipment that was fully constructed and operational or under construction prior to August 17, 1971." Existing oil burning equipment also includes any gas burning equipment that is converted to burn oil for energy considerations if the gas burning equipment was fully constructed and operational on the effective date of this regulation;
C) "construction" means fabrication, erection or installation of an affected facility;
D) "commenced" means that an owner or operator has undertaken a continuous program of construction or that an owner or operator has entered into a binding agreement or contractual obligation to undertake and complete, within a reasonable time, a continuous program of construction; and
E) "Visible emissions" means particulate or gaseous matter which can be detected by the human eye.
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