New Mexico SIP: NM except Bernalillo County Part 11: Asphalt Process Equipment
Regulatory Text:
P. O. BOX 26110/1190 ST. FRANCIS DRIVE
SANTA FE, NM 87502-0110
100. ISSUING AGENCY: Environmental Improvement Board. [11-30-95]
101. SCOPE: All geographic areas within the jurisdiction of the Environmental Improvement Board. [11-30-95]
102. STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Environmental Improvement Act, NMSA 1978, Section 74-1-8(A)(4) and (7), and Air Quality Control Act, NMSA 1978, Sections 74-2-1 et seq., including specifically, Section 74-2-5(A), (B) and (C). [11-30-95]
103. DURATION: Permanent. [11-30-95]
104. EFFECTIVE DATE: November 30, 1995. [11-30-95]
105. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this Part is to establish particulate matter emission standards for asphalt process equipment. [11-30-95]
106. AMENDMENT AND SUPERSESSION OF PRIOR REGULATIONS: This Part amends and supersedes Air Quality Control Regulation ("AQCR") 501 - Asphalt Processing Equipment last filed July 1, 1971. [11-30-95]
A. All references to AQCR 501 in any other rule shall be construed as a reference to this Part. [11-30-95]
B. The amendment and supersession of AQCR 501 shall not affect any administrative or judicial enforcement action pending on the effective date of such amendment nor the validity of any permit issued pursuant to AQCR 501. [11-30-95]
107. DEFINITIONS: In addition to the terms defined in Part 2 - Definitions, as used in this Part: [11-30-95]
A. "Part" means an air quality control regulation under Title 20, Chapter 2 of the New Mexico Administrative Code, unless otherwise noted; as adopted or amended by the Board. [11-30-95]
B. "Rural area" means any area five or more miles from a community of more than fifty people and one or more miles from any residence. [11-30-95]
A. The owner or operator of asphalt process equipment shall not permit, cause, suffer or allow particulate matter emissions to the atmosphere in excess of the maximum amounts specified in the following table:
Aggregate Process Rate Stack Emission Rate
Pounds Per Hour Pounds Per Hour
10,000 10
20,000 15
30,000 22
40,000 28
50,000 31
100,000 33
200,000 37
300,000 40
400,000 43
500,000 47
600,000 & Above 50
B. When the process rate is between any two consecutive process rates in the table, the maximum stack emission rate is determined by interpolation. Where a plant or operation has more than one stack, the maximum stack emission rate applies to the total of the emissions from all stacks. [11-30-95]
109. FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL: The owner or operator of asphalt process equipment shall not operate the equipment without a fugitive dust control system. The fugitive dust control system shall be operated and maintained so that all particulate emissions are limited to the stack outlet. [11-30-95]
A. Upon request, the Department, by written permit, may suspend the operational requirements of this Part for portable asphalt process equipment to be operated temporarily in rural areas. A permit shall not be issued for any period exceeding ninety operating days, but may be renewed when reasonably necessary for completion of a project. A written request that has not been acted upon within ten days after its receipt shall be deemed granted. [11-30-95]
B. In making its decision on a petition, the Department shall give weight it deems appropriate to all facts and circumstances, including but not limited to:
1. character and degree of injury to, or interference with, health, welfare, visibility and property;
2. the public interest, including the social and economic value of the sources and subjects of the air contaminants involved; and
3. technical practicability and economic reasonableness of complying with this Part. [11-30-95]
C. The Department may require the requestor to submit his request in writing and any or all of the following information:
1. requestor's name, address and telephone number;
2. nature of the project and the location where the unit is to be operating;
3. the proposed length of time of operation;
4. the aggregate process rate (pounds per hour) of the equipment to be utilized; and
5. reasons why the requestor believes the suspension of the operational requirements is necessary. [11-30-95]