Oklahoma SIP: OK 252:100-19. Control of Emission of Particulate Matter, SIP effective 2009-02-27 (OKd06) to 2016-01-03
Regulatory Text:
Oklahoma Administrative Code. Title 252. Department of Environmental Quality
Chapter 100. Air Pollution Control (OAC 252:100)
As adopted in Oklahoma Register May 1, 2000 (17 Ok Reg 1120) effective June 1, 2000.
Approved by EPA December 29, 2008 (73 FR 79400) effective February 27, 2009 (OKd06).
252:100-19-1. Purpose, OKd06
252:100-19-1.1. Definitions, OKd06
252:100-19-4. Allowable particulate matter emission rates from fuel-burning units, OKd06
252:100-19-10. Allowable particulate matter emission rates from indirectly fired wood fuel-burning units, OKd06
252:100-19-11. Allowable particulate matter emission rates from combined wood fuel and fossil fuel fired steam generating units, OKd06
252:100-19-12. Allowable particulate matter emission rates from directly fired fuel-burning units and industrial processes, OKd06
252:100-19-13. Permit by rule, OKd06
252:100-19-1. Purpose
The purpose of this Subchapter is to control the emission of particulate matter.
252:100-19-1.1. Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in this Subchapter, shall have the following meaning unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Directly fired" means that the hot gasses produced by the flame or heat source come into direct contact with the material being processed or heated.
"Fuel-Burning unit" means any internal combustion engine or gas turbine, or other combustion device used to convert the combustion of fuel into usable energy.
"Fossil fuel" means coal, petroleum, natural gas, or any fuel derived from coal, petroleum, or natural gas.
"Haul road" means a road on private property used to transport material or equipment by motorized vehicles.
"Indirectly fired" means that the hot gasses produced by the flame or heat source do not come into direct contact with the material, excluding air, being processed or heated.
"Industrial process" means any source, activity or equipment, excluding fuel-burning units, which can reasonably be expected to emit particulate matter. The term includes, but is not limited to crushing, milling, screening, mixing and conveying. The term does not include maintenance activities unless maintenance is the primary activity of the facility.
"Particulate matter facility" means a facility from which particulate matter is the predominant emission, excluding fugitive emissions and emissions resulting from control equipment malfunctions.
"Wood fuel" means any fuel which, excluding air and water, is at least 80 percent by weight cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, and has a heat value of less than 9,500 BTU per pound; or any wood derived fuel as approved by the Division.
252:100-19-4. Allowable particulate matter emission rates from fuel-burning units
Except as provided in 252:100-19-10, 252:100-19-11 and 252:100-19-12 the emission of particulate matter resulting from the combustion of fuel in any new or existing fuel-burning unit shall not exceed the limits specified in Appendix C.
252:100-19-10. Allowable particulate matter emission rates from indirectly fired wood fuel-burning units
The emission of particulate matter resulting from the combustion of wood fuel in any new or existing indirectly fired fuel-burning unit shall not exceed the limits specified in Appendix D.
252:100-19-11. Allowable particulate matter emission rates from combined wood fuel and fossil fuel fired steam generating units
Any combined wood fuel and fossil fuel fired steam generating unit with a maximum design heat input of more than 250 million BTUs per hour which commenced construction after March 4, 1978, shall not emit particulate matter in excess of 0.1 pound per million BTUs.
252:100-19-12. Allowable particulate matter emission rates from directly fired fuel-burning units and industrial processes
The emission of particulate matter from any new or existing directly fired fuel-burning unit or from any emission point in an industrial process shall not exceed the limits specified in Appendix G.
252:100-19-13. Permit by rule
(a) Applicability. Any particulate matter facility may be constructed or operated under this section if:
(1) it meets the requirements in 252:100-7-60, and
(2) it is not subject to any New Source Performance Standard (NSPS), National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standard or other Permit by Rule (PBR).
(b) Requirements. In addition to the requirements of 252:100, the owner or operator of a particulate matter facility permitted under this section shall comply with the following requirements.
(1) All water sprays, bag houses, cyclones, or other particulate matter control equipment shall be properly maintained and operated.
(2) Haul roads and material piles shall be watered or treated as necessary to minimize emissions of fugitive dust.
***end OK OAC 252:100 Subchapter 19*EPA-R06-OAR-2006-0389*OK005*OKd06*m85***