Oklahoma SIP: OK 252:100-23. Control of Emissions from Cotton Gins, SIP effective 2000-01-03 (OKc48) to 2009-02-26
Regulatory Text:
(As approved by EPA 11/03/1999 (64 FR 59629) at 52.1920(c)(48) effective 01/03/2000.)
252:100-23-1. Purpose
252:100-23-2. Definitions
252:100-23-3. General provisions; applicability
252:100-23-4. Smoke, visible emissions, and particulates
252:100-23-5. Emission control equipment
252:100-23-6. Fugitive dust controls
252:100-23-1. Purpose
The purpose of this Subchapter is to control emissions from cotton gins in order to prevent the Oklahoma air quality standards from being exceeded and ensure that degradation of the present level of air quality in Oklahoma does not occur.
252:100-23-2. Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in this Subchapter, shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Cotton gin" means any facility or plant which removes seed, lint, and trash from raw cotton and bales of lint cotton for further processing. Each equipment exhaust, including the trash and burr hopper, located at a cotton gin shall be considered as being an individual process emission source.
"Cotton gin site" means the land upon which a cotton gin is located and all contiguous land having common ownership or use.
"Existing gin" means a gin which was in existence and has submitted a current emission inventory to the Air Quality Program for the most recent two ginning seasons and is in possession of a valid annual renewable fee receipt preceding the effective date of this rule. All other gins shall be considered "new".
"Gin site" means the land upon which a cotton gin is located and all contiguous land having common ownership or use.
"High efficiency cyclone" means any cyclone type collector of the 2D-2D or 1D-3D configuration, designations referring to the ratio of cylinder to cone length, where D is the diameter of the cylinder portion. A 2D-2D cyclone would exhibit a cylinder length of 2 x D and a cone length of 2 x D (90 percent collection efficiency for TSP). A 1D-3D cyclone would exhibit a cylinder length of 1 X D and a cone length of 3 x D (95 percent collection efficiency for TSP).
"High pressure exhausts" means the exhaust cotton handling air systems located at a cotton gin which are not defined as "low pressure exhausts".
"Low pressure exhausts" means the exhaust air systems at a cotton gin which handles air from the cotton lint handling system and battery condenser.
252:100-23-3. General provisions; applicability
(a) Applicability. The provisions of this Subchapter are applicable to all new, modified, and existing cotton gins operating in the State of Oklahoma. Cotton gins in compliance with this Subchapter are exempt from the requirements of OAC 252:100-25, 252:100-27, and 252:100-29.
(b) Permits required. In addition to the requirements of this Subchapter, each new or modified cotton gin shall comply with the permitting requirements of OAC 252:100-7.
(c) Air toxics emissions. The requirements of this Subchapter are in addition to any which may be required under OAC 252:100-41.
(d) Recordkeeping. The owner or operator of a cotton gin shall maintain a log documenting the daily process weight and hours of operation and air emission control equipment replacement/repair costs. These records shall be maintained for a period of two years and shall be made available for inspection by the Air Quality Program personnel or its representative during normal business hours.
(e) Test methods.
(1) Visible emissions testing shall be conducted using EPA reference method 9 contained in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A and be performed by an individual possessing current certification.
(2) Dispersion modeling for PM-10 shall be performed using an EPA approved modeling method.
(f) Effective date. This Subchapter shall become effective May 1, 1993.
252:100-23-4. Smoke, visible emissions, and particulates
(a) Visible emissions limit.
(1) Emissions limit. No person shall cause, suffer, allow or permit discharge of any fumes, aerosol, mist, gas, smoke, vapor, particulate matter or any combination thereof a shade or density greater than twenty (20) percent equivalent opacity. This requirement shall not apply to smoke or visible emissions emitted during short-term occurrences, the shade or density of which is not greater than sixty (60) percent opacity for an period aggregating no more than five (5) minutes in any sixty (60) consecutive minutes and/or no more than twenty (20) minutes in any consecutive 24-hour period.
(2) Alternative emissions limit. The twenty (20) percent opacity limit as required under 252:100-23-4(a) may be increased for particulates only provided that the owner/operator demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Oklahoma Air Quality Council at public hearing that those requirements listed in 252:100-25-4(a) through (c) have been met.
(b) PM-10 emissions limit. No cotton gin shall impact the ambient air quality in such a manner as to violate the primary PM-10 standard of 50 ug/m3 annual arithmetic mean or 150 ug/m3 24-hour average or any other ambient air standard established by OAC 252:100-3.
252:100-23-5. Emission control equipment
(a) Low pressure exhausts. For emissions control from low pressure exhausts, the use of screens with a mesh size of 70 by 70 or finer (U.S. Sieve), or the use of perforated condenser drums with holes not exceeding 0.045 inches in diameter or equipment of equivalent design efficiency as determined by the Executive Director shall be required.
(b) High pressure exhausts. For emission control from high pressure exhausts, the use of 2D-2D cyclones shall be required for existing gins. Existing gins shall install and use 1D-3D cyclone collectors or equivalent when the capital cost of repair or replacement of the existing 2D-2D cyclone exceeds fifty (50) percent of the capital cost of a new 1D-3D cyclone. New or modified cotton gins shall utilize a 1D-3D cyclone collector or equipment of equivalent collection efficiency upon commencement of operation.
(c) Fugitive emissions. For control of fugitive emissions from burr hoppers during dumping, the use of total enclosure at existing gin sites located within the corporate city limits of any city or within 300 feet of two or more occupied establishments is required. All new gin sites shall install and use a total enclosure on the burr hopper.
252:100-23-6. Fugitive dust controls
(a) For control of fugitive dust, no person shall cause or permit the handling, transporting, or disposition of any substance or material which is likely to be scattered by the air or wind, or is susceptible to being airborne, or windborne, or to operate or maintain or cause to be operated or maintained, any gin premise, open area, right-of-way, storage pile or materials, vehicle, or construction, or any other enterprise which involves any material or substance likely to be scattered by the wind or air, or susceptible to being windborne or airborne that would be classified as air pollution without taking reasonable precautions or measures to minimize atmospheric pollution.
(b) No person shall cause or permit the discharge of any visible fugitive dust emissions beyond the property line on which the emissions originate.