Oklahoma SIP: OK 252:100-33 Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides
Regulatory Text:
(As approved by EPA 11/03/1999 (64 FR 59629) at 52.1920(c)(48) effective 01/03/2000.)
252:100-33-l. Purpose
252:100-33-2. Emission limits
252:100-33-3. Performance testing
252:100-33-1. Purpose
The purpose of this Subchapter is to control the emission of nitrogen oxides from stationary sources to prevent the Oklahoma air quality standards from being exceeded and insure that the present level of air quality in Oklahoma is not degraded.
252:100-33-2. Emission limits
(a) Fuel combustion.
(1) No person shall cause, suffer or allow emissions of nitrogen oxides calculated as nitrogen dioxide from any new gas-fired fuel-burning equipment with a rated heat input of 50 million BTUs per hour or more, in excess of 0.20 pound per million BTUs (0.36 gram per million gram-calorie) heat input, two-hour maximum.
(2) No person shall cause, suffer or allow emissions of nitrogen oxides calculated as nitrogen dioxide from any new liquid-fired fuel-burning equipment with a rated heat input of 50 million BTUs per hour or more, in excess of 0.30 pound per million BTUs (0.54 gram per million gram-calorie) heat input, two-hour maximum.
(3) No person shall cause, suffer or allow emissions of nitrogen oxides calculated as nitrogen dioxide from any new solid fossil fuel-burning equipment with a rated heat input of 50 million BTUs per hour or more, in excess of 0.70 pound per million BTUs (1.26 gram per million gram-calorie) heat input, two-hour maximum.
(b) Nitric acid plant.
(1) No person shall cause, suffer or allow emissions of nitrogen oxides, calculated as nitrogen dioxide, from new nitric acid plants, in excess of 3.0 pounds per ton (1.5 kg/metric ton) of 100 percent acid produced, two-hour maximum.
(2) No person shall cause, suffer or allow to be discharged into the atmosphere from new nitric acid plants any visible emissions which exhibit 10 percent opacity, or greater.
252:100-33-3. Performance testing
Testing of equipment to determine if emission standards set in this Subchapter are met shall be performed by procedures as accepted by the Executive Director. Promulgated federal testing procedures for similar processes will be considered in making the determination of procedures to be used.