Oklahoma SIP: OK 252:100-39 Part 1. General Provisions, SIP effective 2000-01-03 to 2009-02-26
Regulatory Text:
252:100-39-1. Purpose
252:100-39-2. Definitions
252:100-39-3. General applicability
252:100-39-1. Purpose
(As approved by EPA 11/03/1999 (64 FR 59629) at 52.1920(c)(48) effective 01/03/2000.)
The purpose of this Subchapter is to control the emission of organic materials from stationary sources located in nonattainment areas and to specify the additional control measures required to protect and enhance the air quality to insure that the Oklahoma air quality standard is not exceeded and significant deterioration is prevented.
252:100-39-2. Definitions
(As approved by EPA 11/03/1999 (64 FR 59629) at 52.1920(c)(48) effective 01/03/2000.)
The following words and terms, when used in this Subchapter, shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Cutback asphalt" means a basic asphalt or asphaltic concrete containing a petroleum distillate.
"Effluent water separator" means any tank, box, sump, or other container in which any material compound floating on or entrained or contained in water entering such tank, box, sump or other container is physically separated and removed from such water prior to outfall, drainage, or recovery of such water.
"Organic materials" means any chemical compounds of carbon excluding carbon monoxides, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides, metal carbonates and ammonium carbonates.
"Refinery" means any facility engaged in producing gasoline, kerosene, fuel oils or other products through distillation of crude oil or through redistillation, cracking or reforming of unfinished hydrocarbon derivatives.
"Submerged fill pipe" means any fill pipe or discharge nozzle which meets any one of the following conditions:
(A) the bottom of the discharge pipe or nozzle is below the surface of liquid in the receiving vessel for at least 95 percent of the volume filled;
(B) the bottom of the discharge pipe or nozzle is less than 6 inches from the bottom of the receiving vessel;
(C) the bottom of the discharge pipe or nozzle is less than 2 pipe or nozzle diameters from the bottom of the receiving vessel; or,
(D) other equivalent methods acceptable to the Executive Director.
"Volatile organic compound (VOC)" means any compound containing carbon and hydrogen or containing carbon and hydrogen in combination with any other element which has a vapor pressure of 1.5 pounds per square inch absolute or greater under actual storage conditions.
"Volatile organic solvent (VOS)" means any organic compound which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions; that is, any organic compound other than those which the EPA Administrator designates as having negligible photochemical reactivity. VOS may be measured by the EPA VOC reference method.
252:100-39-3. General applicability
(As approved by EPA 11/03/1999 (64 FR 59629) at 52.1920(c)(48) effective 01/03/2000.)
In addition to any application of the requirements contained in OAC 252:100-37, the additional control/prohibitions contained in this Subchapter shall be required on existing and new facilities located in Tulsa and Oklahoma Counties.