Oklahoma SIP: OK 252:100- 7, Part 4. Operating Permits; SIP effective 2017-06-14 (OKd21)
Regulatory Text:
Oklahoma OAC 252 Chapter 100. Air Pollution Control
Approved by EPA May 15, 2017 (82 FR 22281) effective June 14, 2017 (OKd21),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0989 [OK007]
252:100-7-17. Relocation permits for portable sources
252:100-7-18. Operating permit
252:100-7-17. Relocation permits for portable sources (7-6)
As adopted in the Oklahoma Register 06/15/1998 (15 Ok Reg 2590) effective 06/25/1998 [7-6],
submitted to EPA February 14, 2002 (OK-25),
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0989-0015 [OK007.15].
Approved by EPA May 15, 2017 (82 FR 22281) effective June 14, 2017 (OKd21),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0989 [OK007]
Relocation permits may be issued to portable sources determined to be operating in compliance with any permit or all applicable air quality control rule(s).
(1) Permit Required. A relocation permit issued by the DEQ shall be required for the relocation of any portable source from one site to another. A relocation permit does not take the place of an operating permit. Any purported or attempted relocation of such a source without such permit shall automatically void the operating permit or the grandfather exemption for that source.
(2) Applicability and permit duration. The relocation of portable sources shall be limited to previously permitted or existing sources within attainment regions of this state and shall be valid for only two years. Failure of the source to change its locale within the two-year time period will be considered prima facie evidence that the source is a stationary source and subject it, at that time, to permit analysis requirements as stated in 252:100-7-15(c) to determine whether a modification of the operating permit is necessary.
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252:100-7-18. Operating permit (7-7)
As adopted in the Oklahoma Register 06/01/1999 (16 Ok Reg 1759) effective 06/11/1999 [7-7],
submitted to EPA February 14, 2002 (OK-25),
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0989-0016 [OK007.16].
Approved by EPA May 15, 2017 (82 FR 22281) effective June 14, 2017 (OKd21),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0989 [OK007]
(a) Permit required.
(1) No person shall cause or authorize the operation of a new or modified minor facility for more than a 60-day period without applying for a DEQ permit to operate.
(2) No owner or operator shall cause or authorize the operation of a minor facility if the DEQ denies or revokes a permit to operate.
(b) Permit Categories. Three types of operating permits are available. See 252:100-7-15(b) for a complete description of the permit categories.
(c) Permit application requirements.
(1) Application content. Application will be made on a form provided by the DEQ. An application shall contain:
(A) The proposed operation start-up date, or phased dates when applicable.
(B) Revisions to the installation/construction, if any, that differed from the construction design and plan given in the permit application material, data and specifications.
(2) Before a permit to operate a new or modified minor facility is granted, the applicant, if required by the DEQ, shall conduct emission tests in accordance with methods approved by the DEQ with the tests being made at the expense of the applicant. The DEQ shall be given advance notice of the tests, may monitor performance tests conducted by the applicant, and may also conduct emissions tests. The results of any required test must be provided to the DEQ along with supporting information as required.
(d) Operating permit conditions.
(1) Emission limitations established and made a part of the construction permit are incorporated into and become enforceable limitations of the subsequently issued operating permit.
(2) Permit limitations in adjustment of, or in addition to, the facility's construction permit limitations may be made a condition of the facility's operating permit issuance.
(e) Applicability.
(1) Applications for modifications to existing Part 70 sources may be submitted and processed, and operating permits may be issued under this section until such time as an application for a Part 70 operating permit shall be required under 252:100-8-4(b)(4). Applications for a Part 70 operating permit or a modification to a Part 70 operating permit submitted after that time shall be processed in strict accordance with Part 70 requirements in Subchapter 8. In the event the final permit, as issued, contains limitations such that the facility no longer meets the definition for "Part 70 source," the permit shall, upon expiration of all time limitations for judicial review, be deemed to be a minor facility operating permit.
(2) Applications for construction and operating permits for New Major Stationary Sources classified as Tier III under 252:2-15-42 shall be subject to the Part 70 operating permit requirements contained in Subchapter 8 notwithstanding 252:100-7-18(e)(1) above.
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